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How does the West win the 'War on Terror'?

I just can't resist slamming the whole "liberal" thing one more time...

Before I get into it let me preface my statements with pre-statement:

Democrats suck and so do Republicans. Now, on the the "quote and slam" portion of our program:

let's imagine a world with out "libruls" like me, no civil rights movement (we don't need to let non-whites vote do we),
- It is fair to say the civil rights movement was started by Abraham Lincoln, who was a....REPUBLICAN.
no equal rights movement (women should stay in the kitchen barefoot and pregnant),
- Three years after women won the right to vote (1919), the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) was introduced in Congress by Senator Curtis and Representative Anthony, both Republicans

no labor movement (I sure as hell hate that I get paid overtime, why can't they just pay me my normal rate),
- A labor movement (unions) that priced American goods out of the market and shipped millions of manufacturing jobs to China, the world's next economic superpower.

no child labor laws (I think 8 is a perfect age to start in the factory),
- As though common sense is a trait shared only among liberals. Republicans would not want children working. They would want them to stay in school so the can grow up to dominate American business and lower taxes.

no clean air and water standards (nope you don't need those if you like to hunt and fish),
- no need to comment specifically here. This is just another in a long list of broad general statements designed to convince us that "liberals" are the only people with any compassion for the land and its people. A blowhard ignorant assertion at best.
no social security (gramma can starve for all I care).
- Whether you care or not, with the condition Social Security is in today it looks at though gramma will in fact starve. And on no small account of our "liberal" president looting its surplus under the guise of a "balanced" budget.
Yup the world would be better off without people like me.
- Hey, you said it pal.

As for tax breaks, yeah the poor really did well with the President's tax breaks, keep telling yourself that pal, honestly...
- Care to back that up with any economic facts? Such as the commonly known fact that when the middle and lower class receive more money, they tend to spend it on consumer goods. And those are goods generally made for and sold by lower wage earners. Hence the creation of jobs for lower wage earners, i.e. "the poor".

Do your homework and come back and try again.
Well said peter!!! :glugglug:

And, may I just add that, when I hear democrats say a tax cut wont help the Economy...If you have more money in your pocket..your going to spend a bit more...raising the economy....when people like clinton tax the shit out of us...most people tend to save every dime they can as there checks are for shit...in turn, puting the economy to shit....simple economics my freind. :hatsoff:
hedgehog said:
I'm sorry Peter but an invasion is exactly what transpired. If the purpose of the war in Iraq was simply to remove Sadaam for the sake of removing him, then why wasn't this the administration's policy in the first place. They deposed Sadaam (who I don't deny was a murderous bastard), and replace him with our own lackeies. The fact of the matter was that the President Bush wanted to secure the strategic oil fields of Iraq to ensure the continuity of American's God given right to drive Hummers which get 9 miles to the gallon and only pay $1.00/gallon at the pump. Well another failure. At least he made some money for his friends.

http://finance.yahoo.com/q/bc?s=RTN&t=2y Raytheon
http://finance.yahoo.com/q/bc?s=HAL&t=2y Halliburton
http://finance.yahoo.com/q/bc?s=XOM&t=2y Exxon Mobil
http://finance.yahoo.com/q/bc?s=LMT&t=2y Lockheed Martin

Free the Iraqi people my ass. He was just makin' money for his corporate big wig friends http://politicalhumor.about.com/library/blbushism-elite.htm.

Peter you claim that we offered help to the Iraqi people, how by turning their country into the ninth plane of hell? Look at the pictures of what war really looks like, PLEASE NOTE THESE LINKS TRULY ARE PORNOGRAPHIC
http://crisispictures.org/?p=203 and
http://www.cnn.com/SPECIALS/2003/iraq/forces/casualties/. These people did not deserve to die on the basis of a lie. I'm sorry two wrongs do not make a right.

The Iraqi people may have wanted their freedom from Sadaam, but you only have to look at the success rate of governments installed or supported by US power, Cuba, South Vietnam, Chile, Iran, Iraq (back when Sadaam was a good guy remember http://www.photius.com/rogue_nations/rumsfeld_saddam.gif) Bush went in front of the country and in his State of the Union Address said, "The British government has learned that Saddam Hussein recently sought significant quantities of uranium from Africa." Some say that they were just relying on the intelligence given to them. I say bullshit, examine the Downing Street Memo, http://www.timesonline.co.uk/article/0,,2087-1593607,00.html, "C reported on his recent talks in Washington. There was a perceptible shift in attitude. Military action was now seen as inevitable. Bush wanted to remove Saddam, through military action, justified by the conjunction of terrorism and WMD. But the intelligence and facts were being fixed around the policy. The NSC had no patience with the UN route, and no enthusiasm for publishing material on the Iraqi regime's record. There was little discussion in Washington of the aftermath after military action."[emphasis mine]

It's called plausible deniability, they made damn sure that anything suggesting otherwise was ignored. The result 1700 dead American soldiers, over 13,000 wounded, approximately 100,000 Iraqi civilians... And we impeached Clinton for one dirty dress.

I couldn't help it, I know this thread has been thankfully dead for a full day but I didn't have time 'til now to visit Hedgehog's many enlightening links. The first 4 links show the stock price performance of 4 companies since the middle of 2003. These links were provided to show how these companies' stock prices skyrocketed due to Bush's "scratch my friends' backs" war. What it fails to show is a comparison to the Standard & Poors 500, the most common indicator by which companies compare their performance to all other major publicly held companies in the U.S. TWO of the companies, Raytheon and Lockheed Martin underperformed the S&P, Exxon Mobil benefitted from higher gross margins as the price of oil SKYROCKETED, and Haliburton kicked major ass over the index.

So these enlightening financial profiles taught us that 2 of Bush's supposed buddies underperformed the average American company, one benefitted from it's own industry's largest price increase in history, and one enjoyed the fact that it is basically the only oil reclamation company on earth.

Then we move on to quoting satirical political humor websites to attempt to make a legitimate point, a picture of some dead people, and a picture of a U.S. Government Diplomat shaking hands 20 years ago with the leader of one of the world's largest countries (Sadam Hussein). Whereas, if a democrat was trying to negotiate with Hussein, I have a feeling Hedgehog would show a picture of them shaking hands, to make his point.

I suspected worthless babble, I just hadn't had time to investigate until now.

Gentlemen, We all enjoy meaningful intelligent discussion on a variety of topics but please, stop bringing a knife to a gunfight.
Resucitating an old thread to bring up another point. Iraqi porn dealers targeted by religious zealots

Can we expect to ever have meaningful discussion with people who kill people for purveying what is essentially an act of love and kindness - Sex.

If you want peace and love, this will NEVER be the place to look for it. :(

Just saying, even if Lockheed is underperforming, its dividends more than make up for its lagging stock price. FYI Rayethon was performing better than the S&P even when I originally posted. The quote (I wanted the actual audio would be available) which you so blithly dismiss should offend every working American.

"This is an impressive crowd — the haves and the have-mores. Some people call you the elite. I call you my base." —Presidential candidate George W. Bush, at the annual Al Smith Memorial Foundation Dinner, Oct. 19, 2000

Am I bitter, yes you're damn right. How can anyone who acts so dismissively and disrespectful towards the majority of Americans be considered fit to lead us.

Peter, don't take this as me having some beef with you, I don't in fact I totally agree with you when you wrote:

"And I fear that is the GOAL of the war on terror, not to stop terrorism but for America's World Leaders to control the masses through fear and intimidation, and that has been the chief function of the Bush administration for the past 4 years. Maniacal leaders don't have much power if their people don't have anything to fear. They don't want to stop terrorism, they want to capitalize upon it. They'll pay some lip service here and there, a bomb dropped on a cave in Afganistan, capturing a "high level" leader of the Iraqi resistance, and supporting the troops."

And I totally accept and support our actions in Afganistan, but the fact remains Osama Bin Laden still is a free man because our forces were diverted from the hunt for the murderer of over 3000 people on 9/11 to Iraq.

The premise for the war put forth by this Republican Administration is that we had to remove Saddam in order to keep him from using the same damn Weapons of Mass Destruction that we sold him.

Now what do we find, oh the IRANIANs are giving a big FU to the entire West and are developing nuclear weapons. Oh their government may state that they are only enriching uranium (you know yellow-cake the stuff that Bush claimed Iraq had) for power purposes, but that lie is as transparent as J.Edgar Hoover's dress.

Why is this threatening, well because the Iranians have a strategic intrest in seeing a radical Shia government form (democratically might I add) in Iraq. Weapons from the IRG (Iranian Revolutionary Guard) have been found on killed insurgents in addition to several shipments of munitions. Our troops are tired and the public is already war weary and we are now faced with a real threat to national security (as opposed to a personal vendetta), not just in Iran but also in N. Korea.

But this is a thread on terrorism and I think I have already listed some strategies to ameliorate the problem. Get most of the troops out of Iraq, every time a small child gets killed or injured while we are their, we get blamed, regardless of if its our fault or not. Al-Jazera makes sure of it. McRocket is correct when he states that Iraq is finished as a country, and you can expect to see a unified Iran/Shiite Iraq state. Hopefully, Kurdistan will rise from the dead carcass of Iraq. I'd expect Syria or Saudi Arabia to try and grab the Sunni west of Iraq.

What we are doing is the work of police officers and a soldier should be soldiering not policing (yes I know there are MPs but I digress). The fact that Saddam was a bad guy does not justify a war based on a lie, a war which has inspired more hatred towards America and its policies than some dictator trapped in his palace could hope to.


guy said:
Well said peter!!! :glugglug:

And, may I just add that, when I hear democrats say a tax cut wont help the Economy...If you have more money in your pocket..your going to spend a bit more...raising the economy....when people like clinton tax the shit out of us...most people tend to save every dime they can as there checks are for shit...in turn, puting the economy to shit....simple economics my freind. :hatsoff:

Guy...you sound like a typical Republican American.

That is not amazingly bright but think you are because you are an American...the word is arrogance.

Not that Democratic voters are all that smart...they just are not THAT arrogant, in my opinion.

ANd you wrote earlier about people not respecting America enough. Oh I respect much about AMerica, it is just people like you that I have so little respect for.
You know next to nothing about what you speak of and yet assume that you know all you need to know and that everybody is interested in what you have to say. Why is that? Why do you assume that you know all there is to know on this subject.
You had better start to take a long hard look at yourself. Because if this is the way you are in real life - I guarantee you everyone that IS smart that knows you is talking behind your back at how uninformed and opinionated you are.
Just some advice.

ANd Georges? You solution is to kill them? That is truly all you can come up with? You disappoint me. Not shock me, but disappoint me.
To kill someone because they probably are this or most likely are that is sad indeed. I sincerely hope that you never attain any great power in life if this is the attitude you keep throughout it. For if you did; many innocent people would obviously die.

And will someone please tell me when violence EVER in history stopped terrorism? Terrorism stops when it's reason stops. THis 'War on Terror' will end when America either leaves the middle east alone (not likely anytime soon) or makes a compromise they don't want to make (which they will have to eventually).
There is NO way the U.S. can leave Iraq without compromising something big.
The U.S. wants (from where I sit) a puppet government running a stable Iraq. They want secured oil supplies from this government. ANd they want military bases in Iraq.
They will get none of them. Guaranteed.

Oh. ANd there is no 'War' on terror. It is not a war. It is simply a term used by Bush et al to get people like Guy et al (and other blindly trusting people) behind them.
It is not a war. It is about the USA wanting revenge for 9/11 and the Bush administrtion practising 21'st century colonialism.
And until American voters like Guy and Vegas Yankee and others that vote Republican (I assume) and cannot see what is truly going on then AMerica will continue to run over the world and fucking things up and getting even more people and cultures pissed off at them. ANd who pays? It sure ain't rich Bush or Chaney and their buddies. They are rich and protected. They are not dieing in Iraq. It's you incredibly naive people that by into all this administration's rhetoric and this patriotic nonsense so they can get you to go over to Iraq and die for them.
You are doing just what had been going on for centuries. Little trained minions doing the King's dirty work. Only this time the little trained minions have a vote and think they are actually making a difference.
You people are so naive it is borderline pathetic.

Please...wake up just a little. From one human being to another. Please.

I don't expect any of you too at all. But....maybe with age and wisdom you will see the light.

I think Vegas Yankee probably will one day. I think Guy could go either way. I think Georges will either see the truth or end up in a scaryyyy place mentally. Sorry Georges.
ANd Peter I have no idea about.

Leto II will end up in heaven. The guy with the male porn legnd for an avatar will probably join him.

And me. Oh..I'm too fucked up. I'm doomed. I'm somewhat charmingly doomed. But I will keep having long winded opinions about things.

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It’s funny. Republicans think democrats are stupid, and democrats think republicans are stupid. People are writing these long drawn out messages about how the other people are stupid because they don't believe the same thing.


There are people in this world killing people simply because they believe something different. Its odd how close these two things are. Why is someone stupid because they don't see something the way you do?

I am proud to say I am a republican. You may think I'm stupid, but I beg to differ. I have a college education, and am less then 2 years away from getting my Medical Doctorate. I am a happily married man who works hard to support my wife and the kids we plan to have. I am anything but stupid. Secondly, I do a lot of research on politics and have come to form my own opinions. Politics is a hobby of mine, and I look into the political news on a daily basis. By a daily basis I mean every day, several hours a day. If I'm not reading about the latest article on the treatment of Acute Pancreatitis, I am reading about politics and the state of our nation... I'm still a republican

Okay, so I disagree with many of you on this board and agree with others, but I am not here to try and change peoples mind. That will only fan the flames. All I can say is that I respect democrats... at least the ones who do their own research and form their own opinions, rather than just repeat what George Soros and Nancy Pelosi say. Two of my best friends are just as staunchly liberal, as I am a conservative. We have many interesting and even sometimes heated debates, but we respect each other for their own opinions. That is what this country is about. You may not like Bush or other republicans, you may not think he these people have done anything good (nobody thought Reagan did either until history proved people wrong... and still some people disagree with that). But, you have to be willing to respect other opinions.

There are many countries that if you voice a differing opinion you can be executed. Be happy you live in a country where this is not the case.
juballs said:
as long as the war goes on, bush can get his patriot act through senate... the patriot act will kill so many aspects of society... i fear for the future of america... it will soon become a police state

just remember WHO PROTECTS CANADA........the good old U.S.A.


sjs1220 said:
It’s funny. Republicans think democrats are stupid, and democrats think republicans are stupid. People are writing these long drawn out messages about how the other people are stupid because they don't believe the same thing.


There are people in this world killing people simply because they believe something different. Its odd how close these two things are. Why is someone stupid because they don't see something the way you do?

I am proud to say I am a republican. You may think I'm stupid, but I beg to differ. I have a college education, and am less then 2 years away from getting my Medical Doctorate. I am a happily married man who works hard to support my wife and the kids we plan to have. I am anything but stupid.

I never called Guy or Republicans stupid. I said less then amazingly bright. That is not stupid. No offense, but I would appreciate it that in the future you would not say I said/typed things I did not (assuming you are referring to me). I never used the word stupid. I dod not mean the word stupid. I think they are less then brilliant. But that can be anywhere from veryinteeligent down to complete stupidity.
I think they are ill informed and nit brilliant and rather arrogant.

George Soros and Nancy Pelosi say.

I have no idea who those two are, personally.

There are many countries that if you voice a differing opinion you can be executed. Be happy you live in a country where this is not the case.

If by that you mean I should be content and trust my politicians more - forget it. Anyone that trusts politicians is naive and rather ignorant. Whether they are donkeys or elephants (democrats or republicans).
To simply be free is not enough. The Bush administration is practising colonialism = and it is wrong. You don't see that. Then you are not reading ehough. Or more to the point - you are not thinking enough.
Trust no politician ever. Everything they say must be proven before trust can or should be given.


It's good to be the king...
"George Soros and Nancy Pelosi say."

"I have no idea who those two are, personally."

I can help with George Soros - he was born in 1930 in Budapest, Hungary (as Soros György) and helped create the Quantum Fund, one of the world's earliest hedge funds. He is a powerful international speculator, who has also donated millions to charitable foundations, most notably to help Eastern Europe.

The Quantum Fund is based in the Dutch Antilles (for tax purposes), but is run from New York and invests in high-risk, but extremely profitable international deals. If one had invested $1000 in the Quantum Fund in 1969 (when it was created) that investment would be worth $3m by 1998.

Mr Soros is known in London's financial centre as "The man who broke the Bank of England" by betting on the devaluation of the pound sterling in 1992 and making approx $1bn in the process. Excerpt from Wikipedia:

"On Black Wednesday (September 16, 1992), Soros became instantly famous when he sold short more than $10bn worth of pounds, profiting from the Bank of England's stubborn reluctance to either raise its interest rates to levels comparable to those of other European Exchange Rate Mechanism countries or to float its currency. Finally, the Bank of England was forced to withdraw the currency out of the European Exchange Rate Mechanism and to devaluate the Pound Sterling."
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So you're on here telling people to "wake up" and "see the light", that they are not reading enough or thinking enough yet you have no idea who George Soros or Nancy Pelosi are? After plodding through your over-generalized spew about American politics and then learning you don't even know who occupies the seat of the Minority Leader of the House of Representatives or who their largest individual contributor is (George Soros donated over $23 million to the Democratic party in 2004 alone) one would normally just recognize your glaring lack of credibility and stop reading your ramblings. But you know me, I can't just stop there because Mcrocket, you seem be telling everybody how arrogant, naive, and pathetic everyone is around here. It's as though you are looking in the mirror. If your insults, assumptions and generalizations weren't so empty and lacking foundation I might actually be offended by your baseless sabre rattling but I find myself almost feeling sorry for you. You're alone on an island on this one. Hedge may come to your defense occasionally but I suspect he'll stick to intelligent, coherent discussion and not align himself with a such a wind bag as yourself.

In the future please try to improve upon such pearls of wisdom as the following:

Guy...you sound like a typical Republican American.

That is not amazingly bright but think you are because you are an American...the word is arrogance.
MCrocket, I think I remember reading a while back that you are in your 40s, is "You think you are because you are an American"? the kind of statement that comes with the "age and wisdom" that you so mistakenly claim to posess?

You know next to nothing about what you speak of and yet assume that you know all you need to know and that everybody is interested in what you have to say
- You must be speaking from experience.

guarantee you everyone that IS smart that knows you is talking behind your back at how uninformed and opinionated you are.
Again, :dunno: what the hell are you talking about?

And will someone please tell me when violence EVER in history stopped terrorism?
Sure. World War II, it was a small little skirmish but some of us have heard of it.

Terrorism stops when it's reason stops. THis 'War on Terror' will end when America either leaves the middle east alone (not likely anytime soon)
So you're saying the reason for terrorism is America's presence in the Middle East, not religious fanaticism, maniacal leaders and general disdain for all things Western?

You people are so naive it is borderline pathetic

Please...wake up just a little. From one human being to another. Please.

I don't expect any of you too at all. But....maybe with age and wisdom you will see the light.
And WHAT, oh great wise one, can you do to lead us down the path of enlightenment? Because you are in a dark cave right now and know not of which you speak. Come back when you have some thing better than insults, generalizations, stereotypes, and stupid concepts such as pontificating on American politics without even knowing its major players.


Peter Gazinya said:
So you're on here telling people to "wake up" and "see the light", that they are not reading enough or thinking enough yet you have no idea who George Soros or Nancy Pelosi are? After plodding through your over-generalized spew about American politics and then learning you don't even know who occupies the seat of the Minority Leader of the House of Representatives or who their largest individual contributor is (George Soros donated over $23 million to the Democratic party in 2004 alone)
Why would I, a Canadian, know or even care to know who the Minority Leader of the House is? He could be you for all the difference it would make in politics.

Sure. World War II, it was a small little skirmish but some of us have heard of it.

World War 2 was a terrorist action? That maybe the first time I have ever heard it described that way.

So you're saying the reason for terrorism is America's presence in the Middle East, not religious fanaticism, maniacal leaders and general disdain for all things Western?

Yep. Well, the reason for 9/11 was that. The reason for the London bombings (imo) was that and is that. You have absolute proof to the contrary do you?

Peter, I am truly sorry that I said nothing that pissed you off. Since you are obviously too far gone at this time to see the world more clearly; then to piss you off was all I could hope for in this thread.
If you would be so kind as to let me know how I could go about doing that - I would be more then happy to throw them back 'in your face' at my earliest convenience - in a reasonably polite way of course.
Please. It would make my, well, not my day. But my hour surely.
Maybe if I wore striped shirts.

You are perfect for this board...arrogant, chauvanistic and not nearly as wise as you think you are. Basically kind of a jerk. Maybe the 'kind' word was a little too kind. Who knows.
Have a nice day.

I will put my tinted sunglasses back on now?

I was just wondering...do you espouse to the old theory that women should be seen and not heard?
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Alright, I've got to ask everyone to take a step back and calm down. I think the problem with political discourse in the United States (and probably the rest of the world although my familiarity with the internal politics of the majority of world countries is woefully lacking but I digress) is that those on the left often treat the right as a collection of ignorant rednecks while the right treat the left like we're all elitist snobs. Our prejudices prevent us from even considering the arguments of the opposition regardless of merit or factuality. With that in mind, I give you two options:

1) Let this thread die, we all walk away we stay friends and return to making fun of hotrod11inches. (That's the easy choice)

2) Tone down the personal attacks, attempt to come to some sort of consensus and then return to making fun of hotrod11inches.

I choose the second. The right is correct, we are faced with a large population of angry Muslim men and women who despise the United States. Now many would assert that they hate the United States and "what it stands for..." I would assert that they hate the policies of the United States in the Middle East currently and historically and that they have little knowledge of the actual US Constitution.

Now how do we choose to react to that hatred.

While I do not claim to speak for the proverbial "left" I do feel that I offer a response that could be considered typical of people of my political persuassion. My belief is simply with this enemy, violence will beget more violence. It is in fact our violence that inspires these young men and women to join terrorist organizations. Each time Al Jazera shows an image of a small child killed by a roadside bomb or by accident by a soldier, it inspires a young man to pick up a rifle to get "the Americans who are the cause of it all." out of his country.

Now do not presume that I hold these beliefs, I have simply read enough on Middle Eastern culture to understand the mindset. After all, if you were faced with an unstoppable military force how else could you organize and fight against it. The fact of the matter is that terrorism is best fought with effective policing.

Look at the after effects of the London bombings, effective policing led to arrests and will soon lead to convictions. Effective policing is based on knowing the community, who the "players" are, and establishing trust with that community. Our troops in Iraq are not police, nor should they be. Police are called to protect and serve, troops are called to kill. We have placed our military in a position where they cannot exercise their primary function. I know the US and British military are doing a lot of good things in Iraq and I do not besmirch that good work, but to understand an insurgency and how it operates you need to consider how success is gauged. Will our success be based on improving the lives of everyday Iraqis or will it be based on installing a government in Iraq which merely survives until the next strong arm comes along to topple it.

An interesting flip of the current situation in Iraq is available at the following website. Read the France Invades the United States and some of the motivations for the insurgents become clear.


om3ga said:
"George Soros and Nancy Pelosi say."

"I have no idea who those two are, personally."

I can help with George Soros - he was born in 1930 in Budapest, Hungary (as Soros György) and helped create the Quantum Fund, one of the world's earliest hedge funds. He is a powerful international speculator, who has also donated millions to charitable foundations, most notably to help Eastern Europe.

The Quantum Fund is based in the Dutch Antilles (for tax purposes), but is run from New York and invests in high-risk, but extremely profitable international deals. If one had invested $1000 in the Quantum Fund in 1969 (when it was created) that investment would be worth $3m by 1998.

Mr Soros is known in London's financial centre as "The man who broke the Bank of England" by betting on the devaluation of the pound sterling in 1992 and making approx $1bn in the process. Excerpt from Wikipedia:

"On Black Wednesday (September 16, 1992), Soros became instantly famous when he sold short more than $10bn worth of pounds, profiting from the Bank of England's stubborn reluctance to either raise its interest rates to levels comparable to those of other European Exchange Rate Mechanism countries or to float its currency. Finally, the Bank of England was forced to withdraw the currency out of the European Exchange Rate Mechanism and to devaluate the Pound Sterling."

Thanks for the information.
I was just wondering...do you espouse to the old theory that women should be seen and not heard?

What the fuck are you talking about? When did I ever say anything like that? You sure make alot of assumptions about people, is that an attempt to compensate for your own shortcomings and make yourself feel better? I'm done with you Crocket but if you can find any examples of where I've talked down about women, please point them out to me. Belittling woman in any way is NOT an image I care to project so if I've done that in any way, please inform me and I will make the necessary corrections. Other than that, don't bother with me, I have lost all respect I may have had for you and can no longer justify the time spent responding to your clueless rants.


Peter Gazinya said:
What the fuck are you talking about? When did I ever say anything like that? You sure make alot of assumptions about people, is that an attempt to compensate for your own shortcomings and make yourself feel better? I'm done with you Crocket but if you can find any examples of where I've talked down about women, please point them out to me. Belittling woman in any way is NOT an image I care to project so if I've done that in any way, please inform me and I will make the necessary corrections. Other than that, don't bother with me, I have lost all respect I may have had for you and can no longer justify the time spent responding to your clueless rants.

Once again, you have proven that many posters on this board are SO touchy and thin skinned. I asked you a question. You know what a question is don't you?
I did not accuse you. I did not insinuate. I did not tell you anything (in that statement). I simply asked you a question.
We are touchy aren't we?

And in terms of being done with me; fine. Your choice. Think I can live with it - lol. But, if you make statements that I disagree with I will still comment on them - possibly. This is a free and open board by the way. I just will not expect much in the way of a reply.

BTW. Out of my entire post. The only thing you felt compelled to comment on was a question I put to you (which you took as an insult)? Interesting.

Also...I might wear a striped shirt in the future; does that make me feminine in your eyes? <----that was a question. They usually have those '?' signs at the end of the sentence. Statements or insinuations usually do not.
Have a nice day.
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Peter Gazinya said:
but if you can find any examples of where I've talked down about women, please point them out to me. Belittling woman in any way is NOT an image I care to project so if I've done that in any way, please inform me and I will make the necessary corrections.

Okay.... You are not the worst around here. But since you asked...

'It's just sales dude, there's no magic formula for talking girls into doing the shit you want them to do.'
'Dude. She's such a dirty whore. I aspire to marry a woman like that.'
'You just take one look in her eyes and think "Holy Shit! Totally hot dirty slut alert.'
'Dude, the skank in those pics isn't Taylor Rain...'

These statements do not belittle women in ANY way?


Now, maybe you know why I asked you the question I did. Which you never answered by the way? OR maybe I just did for you, no offense.
GREAT POST Hedge. I'd rep ya but I gotta spread it around first and I just can't bring myself to negative Rep Mcrocket just because I think he's an egomaniacal hypocrite hell bent on name calling and casting aspersions on anyone he disagrees with.


Peter Gazinya said:
GREAT POST Hedge. I'd rep ya but I gotta spread it around first and I just can't bring myself to negative Rep Mcrocket just because I think he's an egomaniacal hypocrite hell bent on name calling and casting aspersions on anyone he disagrees with.

You maybe right about me. Hey man, it's nothing personal to me. You just come across (imo) as a person that treats certain people with less respect then others. You seem intelligent but not very tolerant. And I think you think you treat people completely equally - when It appears to me that you do not.
SO I make negative comments about what you and others say. If I got a bit personal, I apologize. I do not know you personally.

But I do not apologize for my opinions in regards to your actual comments.

You may think me insane or demented - whatever. All I ask is that you take what I say under consideration. Are you so sure that EVERYTHING you say is right and that EVERYTHING I have said is SO wrong about you?

But 'Hedge' has a point. And my attacks may have gotten a bit personal. It is just that I can only take insensitivity displayed by others for so long.
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