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Heaven or Hell

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gunkata said:
Actually ,dsa, porn does harm to alot of people. For the viewer, it gives a distorted view of a woman and how she responds to sex. It also isolates a person into world where women are merely existing for the sexual whims of a man, no matter how ugly, how dirty, how stupid or how immoral he may be. If you are married, it can affect the way you view your wife as a human being and forces you to suggest sexual practices that are unnatural or uncomfortable to her. If you have children, their stumbling upon it can affect the way should view themselves and/or the opposite sex. It can also, suggest sex at an early age is not wrong and they will try to act out what they see grown ups do.

I still respect women just like any other human being would. Maybe even more. I'm a soft guy who cares for most people's well-beings but I do not agree with what you said. Sure pornography is certainly not right for children of a young age, but if someone doesnt respect a woman it is not the pornography's fault, its who that person is. Take for example a child who grew up with not one mother but different mothers all through his life. His father treats all women with disrespect so he views women like dirt. But if theres a child that grew up with a loving mother and father and a caring sister then that might change his view of woman. So see its not the pornography's fault all the time, some cases: maybe.

Off the subject a little bit, alot of people think just cause the person treats women with lots of respect that hes gay. I just wanna say, thats not true! I treat women with lots of respect and mean it to, not just to sleep with them. I find that most pornography is a form of art, others just something to get your mind off other things. Okay I'm kinda switching from subject to subject here (I always do that) so I'm just gonna stop now.
WC-Madman said:
I'm a person who considers himself a real religious guy, i believe in god, pray(though not as much as i should), and try to be gracious to people and live a gracious life. But, i have also come under the spell of seeing beautiful naked women do some naughty things. Personally i really have cut down on it, or at least tried. Mostly on this board, i try, though it is hard, to only look at clothed women. I try not to post nude pics. I do all this because I believe that porn is not really a good thing, and I know that is probably the strangest thing said on this board. It demeans women, and many people can easily become addicted to it. Now, to answer your question of whether your going to heaven or hell, my friend it is never too late to change. Sure, its hard to do in one fell swoop, but I have drastically stopped looking at hardcore porn lately,


looking at porn is sin, but sin dosent detirmen if we go to heaven or not you do if you have asked God into your heart and fallow him. but not just to get into heaven you have to do it because you know thats whats right, you have to do it for God not yourself.
WC-Madman said:
Gunkata, i agree with most of the points you have made in these posts. All except the one where you said the united states has the "god given right" to punish osama bin laden. No nation and/or government has the right to punish or kill those who have done wrongdoing. That is why i am in disagreement with the death penalty, even for the cruelest bastards. We shouldnt decide when people die, that is in God's hands. And i doubt God would give the right to kill bin laden, as they are a nation run by a government, a deceitful, greedy government at that. All governments will fail and God's kingdom will rule in the end. Just something to think about. Other than that, you make really good points. And to all you nonbelievers, God does exist, and the Bible is just. Im not here to judge you, for we are all sinners, but i fear time to repent is running short. Just something to think about. Have a nice day!

WC-Madman, I sat and thought about what i said and what you said and I realize I did not convey the point I was trying to make clearly. My apologies to all.

My point was that God has allowed mankind to set up governments to keep a relative order and organization in the world. (Rom. 13:1, 2) Since Osama attacked the U.S. and killed Americans, which is obviously against U.S. law, the U.S. has the right to punish him. However, that does not mean that killing him is within their bounds of authority. Since God does not condone humans to take the life of others, the U.S. would be oversteping the authority of God. (Ex. 20: 13)

I also agree with you on the fact that God will replace this government & all governments with his righteous Kingdom. It will be government not controled by humans, but by God himself along with his son, Jesus Christ.( Daniel 2:44; 7:13, 14)

And u 2 have a nice day!
bibo said:
Gunkata, you can find evil and fault in everything you do. You just have to look hard enough and arrange the situation and everything can be wrong, be it smoking a cigarette, making music or studying nuclear physics. Even being a religious person and being overly protective about your religion can be wrong.

I`m not going to start a discussion about Osama here. I`m not doing this our of piety and respect for the victins of 9-11. Just allow me one thought: In the history of mankind, millons of innocent people have died in the name of the cross, Jesus and Christianity. Millions. Yet, there´s not a single serious word of apology from the church.

You certainly have a moral right to fight and kill Osama. I´d kill him too if I had the chance to. However, you certainly don´t have a god-given right to do it.

This quote made me think. Can this really be true? Besides from the fact that this is from the old testimony, which is quite different from the new testimony in terms of god being a punishing god in the old and a loving god in the new testimony - but you certainly know that better than I do. Didn´t god give us a free will? Where´s that free will now? Apparently, when I`m chosing the wrong "will", I`m doomed. Not exactly what I call free is it?
I know your reply, the will itself is free, but has direct influence on the consequences. Still, does god really need this? If it´s truly gods attitude to kill people who´re not doing as he wants us (and after all we´re HIS creatures), then this is all the more reason for me not to follow him.

I`m living my life on a solid moral base. I´m not a Saint, but I can justify and explain all my deeds with my head up. And when I die some day and - against my expectations - see that there is a god, I`m ready to justify my entire life should he ask me to. And if that´s not enough for him, then he shall do what he thinks he must do, I don´t care.

Finally, I´d like to say that this kind of discussion doesn´t really belong here. I`ve seen things like this going out of hand and ending in hatred and mess too many times and I don´t want to see that happening again. Everything I say is my very personal opinion. I don´t claim to be 100% correct or complete and I most certainly don´t want to attack anybody´s believes or hurt anybody´s feelings. Just respect my point of view as much as I respect yours.

Bibo, in this world we live in, it is easy to find the bad in a lot of things. Like smoking. It destroys your lungs, teeth, and can kill u. Second hand smoke kills faster than smoking the acutual cigarrette. Plus, its a disrespect to God's gift of life.( Rom. 12:1)
Music is a wonderful gift and very neccessary to our enjoyment of life. Music is also a way of prasing God.(Isa 42:10) But music that is laced with obcenities, immorality, and loose conduct is displeasing to God.( Eph. 5:3, 4).

When Jesus was on earth, he declared the glory of God's Kingdom and sanctified his Father's name. But he knew the religious leaders, the Scribes and Pharisees, were not going to change their ways. So true christians have to remember that it is their commision is to preach and teach the good news. The person learning it has to make the change.(Matt. 24:14, Rom. 14:12)

Now as for God having the right to recieve complete and total worship from all mankind, I stand behind that with my life. The free will that God has given us allows us the choice to make your own decisions. But it does not change the fact that our decisions can come with consequences. For example, when driving, street lights tells us to go, slow down, or stop. The rule is to stop when it turns red. Since there is more than likely no phycial authority present to prevent you from doing otherwise, you have the free will to keep going, if you like. But just because you have that free will does not mean you eventually won't get hit by a moving vehicle.
Free will was given to us so we could love and worship God for the loving and awe-insipring personage He is, not out of instinct.
And being the Creator of all life, His power, wisdom, justice, and love is unmatched, unrivialed, and beyond debate. The way He handled the nation of Egypt is proof enough.( Ex. 9:13-19)
Not to meantion that even though we are like dust in comparison to him, he loves us to a magnificent degree, even sacrificing his son.
( Gen. 2:7, John 3:16)

God does not ask the impossible out of any of us. As a matter of fact, following him would benefit our lives to a great degree of happiness. ( Isa.48:17, 18; 2 Tim 3:16, 17)

Last, but not least, most people do not talk about religion like this because they give their own opinions, not facts about God. My opinion does not matter, God's does. Therefore, I back these comments with scriptures at every opportunity. I will not have a heated debate with anyone. God's words, not mine. U can love it or leave it. Your choice. I will always respect your decision.

Have a nice day!
Griever629 said:
I still respect women just like any other human being would. Maybe even more. I'm a soft guy who cares for most people's well-beings but I do not agree with what you said. Sure pornography is certainly not right for children of a young age, but if someone doesnt respect a woman it is not the pornography's fault, its who that person is. Take for example a child who grew up with not one mother but different mothers all through his life. His father treats all women with disrespect so he views women like dirt. But if theres a child that grew up with a loving mother and father and a caring sister then that might change his view of woman. So see its not the pornography's fault all the time, some cases: maybe.

Off the subject a little bit, alot of people think just cause the person treats women with lots of respect that hes gay. I just wanna say, thats not true! I treat women with lots of respect and mean it to, not just to sleep with them. I find that most pornography is a form of art, others just something to get your mind off other things. Okay I'm kinda switching from subject to subject here (I always do that) so I'm just gonna stop now.

I agree.

But, if I am correct, u don't think that porn affects u as a grown man. It may not cause you to go out and slap a woman around and tell her that she's good for only one thing. But it can effect you mentally and spiritually, even as a grown man. Because of porn, in your mind, your first instinct is to think of how many ways you can fullfill each and every sexual desire with a woman long before you notice her other attributes.
Now, their is nothing wrong with noticing a woman and her physical stature.(Gen 12:11, 14, 15) But dweling on a woman's body as to have a deep sexual lust for her and a desire to carry out depraved sexual acts on her is a sin.( 2 Samuel 11: 2-4; Matt. 5:28; James 1: 13,14,15)

The worn porn is from the Greek word por-nei"-a, translated "fornication" and it refers to sexual intercourse between unmarried persons, also extramarital relations on the part of married persons. So, in God's eyes, porn, or pornography, is as bad a fornication. If your relationship with God is important to you, even as a grown man, do you not think porn could be damaging to you?

Have a nice day!
Now as for God having the right to recieve complete and total worship from all mankind, I stand behind that with my life. The free will that God has given us allows us the choice to make your own decisions. But it does not change the fact that our decisions can come with consequences. For example, when driving, street lights tells us to go, slow down, or stop. The rule is to stop when it turns red. Since there is more than likely no phycial authority present to prevent you from doing otherwise, you have the free will to keep going, if you like. But just because you have that free will does not mean you eventually won't get hit by a moving vehicle.
Free will was given to us so we could love and worship God for the loving and awe-insipring personage He is, not out of instinct.
And being the Creator of all life, His power, wisdom, justice, and love is unmatched, unrivialed, and beyond debate. The way He handled the nation of Egypt is proof enough.( Ex. 9:13-19)
Not to meantion that even though we are like dust in comparison to him, he loves us to a magnificent degree, even sacrificing his son.
( Gen. 2:7, John 3:16)

Read my posting again and you´ll see that you replied exactly like I said you would. :)

Of course our decisions can have consequences. No doubt about that. But the interesting question here if "You have to worship me, else I`m gonna kill you because I can" is really a matter of cause/effect respectively free will. I´ve said it in my posting and I´ll say it again: if that´s the supposedly loving and caring god who sacrificed his son for me and my souls, and who´s then killing my soul because I failed to worship him, then that´s not my god and all the more reason for me not to worship him. Worship is something that comes from love and respect. It´s not something anybody can blackmail and force me to. And no, I don´t consider it a prove of wisdom or justice to threaten and kill people who dare to criticize and make use of the free will. If we´re just dust in comparsion to him (which might be the case, I`m not saying we´re not) then why does he still feel the urge to punish us? God should not be the street light that´s responsible for the consequences of me driving on the road and getting hit by a car. He should be the road I drive on.

You keep quoting the old testimony which constantly causes contradictions between Gods incredible, magnificent love on one side and the hard, punishing and demanding God on the other. I don´t know what fraction of the christian church you´re belonging to, but I`m quite sure, that your image of God doesn´t follow modern christian theology resp. what Rome is teaching. Your arguments seem to come from a pretty fundamental and conservative school. I don´t want to prove anything with that statement, it´s just something I noticed. If you can live with the rigid structures and be happy with them, that´s perfectly ok. However, it´s not something one can discuss about. In a way, your point of view is quite fundementalistic.

There´s a reason why theology these days is so very careful about the old part of the bible. Because it doesn´t leave any room for the love and the community of people that the church, the roman catholic church, is trying to focus on. You don´t need to believe in god to see and welcome the ideas and goals of the church. Yet, it´s much more helpful if the people who´re involved are doing it because they think it´s a good thing and not because they´re worried and live their lifes in fear.

Finally, you say that:

Last, but not least, most people do not talk about religion like this because they give their own opinions, not facts about God

There are no "facts" about God. In fact, if people had facts, then we wouldn´t need to bleieve and the entire thing about God and mankind and faith would crumble. The only fact we have is the bible, which is a book written somewhere during the middle ages by a couple of monks and which is merely a transcription of tales that went from mouth to ear for centuries. And that´s leaving room for endless interpretations. Today, there are dozends of different interpretations of the bible (resp. parts of it) available. Chose one that you like, but be very careful with the word "fact". Too many people have suffered because of "facts".

Sorry if my reply was a bit sharp.

take care
blobra said:

looking at porn is sin, but sin dosent detirmen if we go to heaven or not you do if you have asked God into your heart and fallow him. but not just to get into heaven you have to do it because you know thats whats right, you have to do it for God not yourself.

I have already made statements about heaven and hell, so I will not jump on that issue again. However, sin is still important to consider when it comes to being accepted by God.

We are all sinners, no question there.(Rom 5:12) But practicing sin is the problem. Jesus gave his life so that we do not have to die but have everlasting life. ( John 3:16) As that ransom, he bought back the opportunity for us be in an approved state with God and our sin passed down from Adam would not be our stumbling block in serving God. However, we are sinful people does not mean we can practice it.( 1 John 3:4,8; Rom. 5:8,10; 1Tim. 1:13; 2Cor. 6:1,2)

Also, allowing God in your heart is important but following his commands is even more important. Following your heart is foolish.
(Jer. 17: 9) But changing your heart condition by following God's commands is wise. (Isa. 48: 17, 18; James 2:26; Matt 11:19)

Have a nice day!:D
bibo said:
Read my posting again and you´ll see that you replied exactly like I said you would. :)

Of course our decisions can have consequences. No doubt about that. But the interesting question here if "You have to worship me, else I`m gonna kill you because I can" is really a matter of cause/effect respectively free will. I´ve said it in my posting and I´ll say it again: if that´s the supposedly loving and caring god who sacrificed his son for me and my souls, and who´s then killing my soul because I failed to worship him, then that´s not my god and all the more reason for me not to worship him. Worship is something that comes from love and respect. It´s not something anybody can blackmail and force me to. And no, I don´t consider it a prove of wisdom or justice to threaten and kill people who dare to criticize and make use of the free will. If we´re just dust in comparsion to him (which might be the case, I`m not saying we´re not) then why does he still feel the urge to punish us? God should not be the street light that´s responsible for the consequences of me driving on the road and getting hit by a car. He should be the road I drive on.

You keep quoting the old testimony which constantly causes contradictions between Gods incredible, magnificent love on one side and the hard, punishing and demanding God on the other. I don´t know what fraction of the christian church you´re belonging to, but I`m quite sure, that your image of God doesn´t follow modern christian theology resp. what Rome is teaching. Your arguments seem to come from a pretty fundamental and conservative school. I don´t want to prove anything with that statement, it´s just something I noticed. If you can live with the rigid structures and be happy with them, that´s perfectly ok. However, it´s not something one can discuss about. In a way, your point of view is quite fundementalistic.

There´s a reason why theology these days is so very careful about the old part of the bible. Because it doesn´t leave any room for the love and the community of people that the church, the roman catholic church, is trying to focus on. You don´t need to believe in god to see and welcome the ideas and goals of the church. Yet, it´s much more helpful if the people who´re involved are doing it because they think it´s a good thing and not because they´re worried and live their lifes in fear.

Finally, you say that:

There are no "facts" about God. In fact, if people had facts, then we wouldn´t need to bleieve and the entire thing about God and mankind and faith would crumble. The only fact we have is the bible, which is a book written somewhere during the middle ages by a couple of monks and which is merely a transcription of tales that went from mouth to ear for centuries. And that´s leaving room for endless interpretations. Today, there are dozends of different interpretations of the bible (resp. parts of it) available. Chose one that you like, but be very careful with the word "fact". Too many people have suffered because of "facts".

Sorry if my reply was a bit sharp.

take care


How would I gain your respect? If I gave you the opportunity to live forever, with out sickness, death, and old age, would I get it then? If I permited the painful death of my child to happen in order for you and your family to keep living, would I get your respect? If you spat in my face and disrepected me and I still was showing loving kindness to you, would you respect me then?

God has done and is still doing these things to this day. He has showed each and everyone of us this kind of unsurpassing love, by allowing us to live, to love, to feel, to experiance free will, despite our many infractions. God did not have to do any of this. He could have wiped us out with Adam and Eve. But he didn't because He realized that their offspring had the capacity to truly appreciate Him and His attributes. Then he sacrifices his son who has been by his side long before the creation of man. That is the truest form of love. (1 John 4:8) You said you would rather worship a God out of love and respect. Everything he has done for mankind is done out of love and respect. Would you worship him now? (rhetorical)

You're jaded that God would destroy a human for not worshiping him. But if it was not for God, we would not exist at all. It's like a teen who complains and gripes about his lack of privacy and freedom, but yet still lives the life, eats the food, wears the clothes, takes the money, lives in the house, uses the phone, excepts the gifts, and needs the love that his so-called "unjust" parents provide.

If I told you that you had the choice to receive everything you ever needed and more, or death, which would you choose? God gives us that very option. Following his commands, throughout the bible, benifits us today in our everyday lives. And we would not have half the headaches we live with today if we listened.

The Bible is not a book of contradictions. Nor is it a book written by monks in the middle ages. The bible is inspired by God and written by about 40 men who received this inspiration. There was no ear to mouth delivery of this message. And in both the Old Testiment and New Testement, there is an underlining theme: the establishment of God's Kingdom. The Bible is fact. Much of the Bible has been backed by scientific and archeological proof in recent centuries not to meantion many of the prohecies in the bible have been fulfilled down to the letter.

But I leave the burden of proof with you. If you find a scripture any where in the Bible that conridicts itself, show me. And I will prove that it is not a contridiction, not out of my reasoning, but through God's Word.

P.s. You are right about one thing: the teachings I have learned do not follow the same suit of the Roman Catholics, Prodestant, Baptist, 7th Day Aventist, or any other religion of Christendom
(Matt. 7:17-20; 23:15; 15:1-6)

Have a nice day!:)
There´s one thing where you and me are thinking crucially different.

I didn´t ask God to create me and give me anything. It was *his* choice to do that. And when I`m looking at the earth as it is today, I can´t really see a reason to be thankful for anything. One might say that this place is just a small stop in our long journey. But even then I can´t see why this would mean that I have to worship God *for* that.
I didn´t ask him to give his son for us. I wasn´t even born when he did, so how could I have done? And I just don´t want to be burdened with stuff that I had absolutely no influence about. We´ve been talking about free will and cause and effect earlier. You said - correctly - that every free will may have consequences. However, I did not have any option to change the situation that you described. God created Adam, Adam grabbed his apple, God sacrificed his son to cleanse mankind from this sin and now I`m supposed to carry the guilt and burden of 2 millenii on my shoulders? I don´t think so.

The thing is, that I`m not saying "hey, Mister God, sod off, I don´t respect you". Not at all. I respect him for what he´s done (always under the: "if he exists" parameter), but I don´t respect his expectation to constantly pat him on the shoulder, or else get my little human butt spanked. I don´t know a better way to tell you what I mean, sorry about that. But I think I´ve made it quite clear by now. I really and honestly can´t believe that our God, the God that´s been described in the bible is really acting like that.

He could have wiped us out with Adam and Eve. But he didn't because He realized that their offspring had the capacity to truly appreciate Him and His attributes.

Wrong! He didn´t wipe us out because that would mean that he´d made a mistake by creating us in the first place and that he would have to admit his own failure because his creation was flawed, incomplete and weak. And because that is not an option, he decided to flail some sense into us and threaten us with hell if we should fail to function.
This is a rethorical exaggeration. I´m deliberately taking the part of the ADvocator Diaboli here, I know that. But I do it because I really think that the entire explanation of how God is "working" (sorry, can´t think of a better word there) is flawed.

You said you would rather worship a God out of love and respect. Everything he has done for mankind is done out of love and respect. Would you worship him now? (rhetorical)

Like I said earlier... it´s not the fact that I fail to see what he´s done, that´s causing the disrespect, it´s the fact that he´s *expecting* me to respect him. Because - again - the free will comes into play. Let me ask you about your opinion: Don´t you think that God would rather see someone loving and worshipping him out of a free will and based on love, rather based on the cold calculation that if he doesn´t do it, he´ll go top hell? Do you think that worshipping and respecting somebody based upon fear is true and valid respect and love?

As for the bible history part...
I`m willing to learn there, if the sources are scientifical enough. From what I know, the first "versions" of the b(huge = serveral centuries) between the actual events and writing them down in the bible. If you have any links to serious sites about this topic, please post them here or pm me.
I`m not even thiunking about starting a debate based upon bible parts, since you certainly know the bibles 100 times better than I do. What I know from the roman catholic theology is, that God as he´s described in the Old Testement (didn´t know it´s Testament, not Testimony, sorry :)) is quite different from the God in the New Testement. And following the Old and the New Testement simultaneously is resulting in contradictions. That´s what Rome says, so don´t blame me. :D

P.s. You are right about one thing: the teachings I have learned do not follow the same suit of the Roman Catholics, Prodestant, Baptist, 7th Day Aventist, or any other religion of Christendom

Would you mind telling me what church you´re belonging to? Or - again - pm me?

Take Care

P.S. I still hope we´re on a rational, argumentative level and won´t take our little dispute here personal. :)
Bibo, I see that this issue is one that we agree to disagree. My faith is the way it is due to years of study and meditation of the bible and what God means to me. If you don't belive what I belive, no harm, no foul to me. Everyone has their own beliefs. And I respect your right to beleive as you do.

A christian's responsibility is to preach the good news of God's Kingdom and to teach, not to debate. We don't see eye to eye on the subject, so there is no point in going further on this subject.

It was good to have this conversation because I truly belive religion is something that should be talked about.

But I have one last point to make. The Bible pointed out that in the great day of God's Judgement, or Armageddon, not all would die, even those who did not originally serve God.( Acts 24:15)
The wicked are the ones to receive death. Since we don't know who is wicked, righteous, or unrighteous, then God would have to know. How? By their actions and heart condition. (1 Sam. 16:7;
Jer. 17:9)

Just a thought I would share with you.

Take care of yourself,

Last post for me,
Okay so all of you here look at porn, sex porn, posing porn, lesbian porn but you all look at porn, if you didnt you wouldn't be here right now. But what I dont get is that your saying that porn is a sin, and so basically you guys are commiting sins, so if you believe in this, why risk it? Thanks guys its been great seeing all the different posts here, au revoir!
Last post also
Well, griever, it was good hearing your posts and im glad you started a post that got so many people talking. Thank you. As for looking at porn, i still frequent this board, but as stated in my first post, no longer look at porn. I look at posts where the women are clothed or have at least a little someting on. Mind you, it is hard to find posts without nudity, but i use good judgement by reading the titles of the posts and trying to figure out if they will have nudity or not. Matter of fact, i skip over most posts these days in the "find your favorite babe" area, because most of them have nudity. Porn is bad, and i will continue to try to distance myself from it. I'd also like to thank all the open minded, smart people who have posted in this thread and made it so damn interesting. Especially gunkata, you really seem to have thought out your views and seem like you believe in God and his teachings. You have made it really interesting. It's good to see that there are people with consciences(hope i spelled that right).May God bless all of you, even if you don't believe in him. Keep the faith to those who do believe and take care everyone.
Well all i know is im planning on cheating death many many times, ill straight kick death right in his nutz and say "BITCH IM GOING TO LIVE FOREVER!"
ill even clone myself over and over again if it means ill never die, although after the 1000th clone ill probably be reduced to a drooling imbred like fool. Unless clones are like cds and it doesnt matter how many times you copy it the information never gets corrupted.:nanner:


I believe it is a choice in ones life to look at pornography. Even if the person claims to have strong religious beliefs, we all give into temptation, its our instincts or none of us would not even exist in this world. You can sit here and argue all you want about how the bible says do this, but don't do that or you will go to hell. When we really do die who has the right to tell us where our soul will be taken. The womans body is indeed a wonder to look at, and yes it is demeaning to wanna see them nude and thinking sexual thoughts about them, but pornography has been around for centuries.

I feel the guy who originally started this thread was not looking to be preached upon or judged, he was simply looking for a simple honest answer and to bring religion into the conversation was totally unnecessary. This is a board that has to do with people's obsession with looking at the naked body of a woman and admiring it in a civilized and respectful manner. I believe if this gentleman feels he is doing wrong by doing such a thing, he does not belong in this forum. Sorry for being so blunt, or if I have offended anyone, but thats my opinion and I am sticking with it
WC-Madman said:
Last post also
Well, griever, it was good hearing your posts and im glad you started a post that got so many people talking. Thank you. As for looking at porn, i still frequent this board, but as stated in my first post, no longer look at porn. I look at posts where the women are clothed or have at least a little someting on. Mind you, it is hard to find posts without nudity, but i use good judgement by reading the titles of the posts and trying to figure out if they will have nudity or not. Matter of fact, i skip over most posts these days in the "find your favorite babe" area, because most of them have nudity. Porn is bad, and i will continue to try to distance myself from it. I'd also like to thank all the open minded, smart people who have posted in this thread and made it so damn interesting. Especially gunkata, you really seem to have thought out your views and seem like you believe in God and his teachings. You have made it really interesting. It's good to see that there are people with consciences(hope i spelled that right).May God bless all of you, even if you don't believe in him. Keep the faith to those who do believe and take care everyone.

Thank you, WC, for the kind statement. I hope you succeed in your goal.

Scorpion said:
The womans body is indeed a wonder to look at, and yes it is demeaning to wanna see them nude and thinking sexual thoughts about them, but pornography has been around for centuries.

Pornography has been around for centuries, but so have drugs, prostitution, child molestation, murder, incest, and theivery. Just because it's been around along time doesn't make it right.

I feel the guy who originally started this thread was not looking to be preached upon or judged, he was simply looking for a simple honest answer and to bring religion into the conversation was totally unnecessary. This is a board that has to do with people's obsession with looking at the naked body of a woman and admiring it in a civilized and respectful manner.

If your looking for an honest answer for a question of whether God will allow you to go to heaven or hell, a wise man should go the greatest source for a correct answer- the Bible. If he was asking what 2 + 2 is, that's one thing. But his question goes a little deeper than your basic question. That's why the Bible was mentioned.

Also, I believe the forum was set up to " talk about whatever you want to talk." I think Freeones can back me up on this. That means that if you want to talk about religion, you can do so.

I'm out. :cool:
I'm Anti-God!
This is my opinon, porn isnt bad, God hates us anyway! Think about it! Would all the shit go on in the world, which we've screwed anyway, if he 'loves' us?!
If i get to heaven i'm gunna king hit God!

"God is Santa for adults"

But thats just me....
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