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Have Sex with a Female Body Builder


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Amateur bodybuilder -sure. Professional Bodybuilder (Lenda Murray) probaly not because of pre conditioning dieting, she might ask me to join so there is no Temptation. I did date a woman for a year who competed in powerlifting (5'7 @190lbs), would that count?


Closed Account
So you don't want to have sex with Lenda ? and you say it in public ? ouch ... Lenda must feel so hurt ...:(

Not Lenda personally. It is professional bodybuiders in genersl for the fact of the strict dieting & the disipline needed for that high level of competitiveness. It is something that I respect all professional bodybuiders (men & women). I choose Lenda because of the Miss Olympia tites she has won. I could have chose Cory Everson or any number of bodybuilder but she was the 1st won who came to mind. Nothing more, nothing less.