Game of Thrones

Benjen is believed to be alive in the books, but it is one of those mysteries that we have not had solved yet. With two more books on the schedule, we will likely find out by the end of the next one since it focuses on The North and the last book will focus on the various parties coming together to fight The Others and their White Walkers.
Why can't I type out ****now with those stars, weird?

The combination of "Jon" and "s" is a fragment picked up by the word filter to do with some site or another which was probably linking to piracy.

I don't think he's alive or is he in the books?

Jon's last chapter in Dance refers to his stabbing his "world turning black" and is written to make you think he's dead. But we all think Melly's going to bring him back.

the last book will focus on the various parties coming together to fight The Others and their White Walkers.

Ohhh..... you tried to mix up the show names and the book names and got it wrong, tsk tsk.

In the book, The Others are the scary ass leaders, and their army of dead are referred to as "wights." On telly they call The Others "White Walkers" because Lost already did "The Others" and being original is apparently THAT important that they didn't want to use "The Others."
Hey, I just remembered Dan and Dave forgot to tell us Balon Greyjoy is dead. They should have hammered that home LONG before now. All three leeches coming true convinces Stannis to believe in Mel, big time. And hey, so do I.

A friend insists it was a single line delivered in the show, maybe this season, but merely that. No further elaboration from whichever character said it.

Benjen is still ranging, Gendry is still rowing, the Blackfish is still pissing.

lmao :coolthumb:

Having said that, we are going to find out what happened to Benjen next series. There's no reason to mention him in 510 otherwise.

Hasn't he been mentioned by Jon a few times throughout the show? I'm hoping that wasn't used only for setting up the assassination plot.
Hasn't he been mentioned by Jon a few times throughout the show? I'm hoping that wasn't used only for setting up the assassination plot.

I don't remember him being mentioned since the first time the Watch stopped at Craster's. That doesn't mean he hasn't, just that I don't remember.
Assuming Melissandre does resurrect him (though I don't believe we've seen her resurrect anyone, have we?)

No, but we saw that guy from The Brotherhood resurrect that other guy in the name of Lord of Light after the Hound iced him back in season 3. So we know for sure it can be done.
Hasn't he been mentioned by Jon a few times throughout the show? I'm hoping that wasn't used only for setting up the assassination plot.

I found it interesting that they mentioned him in that scene. If it was a means to remind viewers of the character (which I hope is the case) there could be some cool stuff coming up.

Among us book readers, there was a theory that he might be another character that was unfortunately omitted from the show.
Any news? Anyone following Season 6 Production?

<spoilers> (highlight to read) Believed-dead character's actor sighted

There were rumors that Rory McCann was spotted at a hotel in Belfast where the series is shooting. Could be a coincidence, but he currently isn't shooting anything else.

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^^^^^ I've edited your above post so people can choose whether they want that spoiled or not.

And they haven't just been spotted at a hotel, but on the actual set. And I'm pissed off that I know that already. Fucking Facebook.
^^^^^ I've edited your above post so people can choose whether they want that spoiled or not.

And they haven't just been spotted at a hotel, but on the actual set. And I'm pissed off that I know that already. Fucking Facebook.

I can't see any link there, it looks like you deleted it.

On further rereading it looks like there never was a link to the source. (and I figured he was still alive anyway.)
Tonight on Comedy Central they are rerunning the 3 part South Park parody of GoT. 11pm EDT.

and we are at ~6 months to Season 6!
I found it interesting that they mentioned him [i.e., Benjen] in that scene. If it was a means to remind viewers of the character (which I hope is the case) there could be some cool stuff coming up.

I haven't read the books, but personally, I think his mention was merely to set up the murder of J.S.

Hey, I just remembered Dan and Dave forgot to tell us Balon Greyjoy is dead.

Do you think it's possible they'll just change this in the show? Go in a different direction?

In the books, Walder Frey is also dead, correct? Died in his sleep?