Funny Gifs


Pucker Up Butter Cup.
Re: Collection of funny GIFs

Me too! I haven't thought about it, let alone seen it, in at least 20 years. Now I can't think about it without laughing. I wouldn't had even though about it except that I saw this Tweet by Patton Oswalt:
"Oh that's right, Dan Akroyd spends a shocking amount of TRADING PLACE's screen time in blackface. Impressed & horrified. "
I suddenly remembered "Soul Man". An oft forgotten blackface classic of the Reagan era. ;)
Why C. Thomas Howell didn't skyrocket to stardom after this, I have no idea.

Ditto. Been years but I recall hearing how much controversy this movie caused. It pretty much ruined C.Thomas Howell's career. I remember him being in quite a few 80's movies but this role killed any shot he had at a big time fame. Really stupid.