FSC Calls Moratorium on Production Due to Performer Testing Positive for HIV

Rapid test should be added to the current procedure. I'm sure MrHyde didn't mean to replace the current procedure with a rapid test, but rather to add a rapid test to the current procedure. It's not the solution, but it would be one step forward plus it would highly discourage forgery, bribery and superficiality. I'm a before the first hour supporter of rapid tests, but it ain't gonna happen in porn valley any soon, that's for sure. Not for as long as the industry is ruled by the current figures at least.

Yeah, pretty much what Sabrina said. I wouldn't replace monthly testing or the like, but an on-set rapid test would help increase safety. They're pretty accurate in that they don't miss infections. They might, in rare cases, show a false positive, but if the goal is to detect HIV, it's good there.
Well luckily I am not based in LA and my webcamming is my main thing. I shoot porn now and then and then I go back home..so lucky to make good money from home. Not that I don't work my ass off for it but I am fortunate not to be dependent on shoots for my income.

How much do you make doing web cam scene? This 3rd HIV case will push forward with the condom law ever more. Most porn buyer aren't going to watch porn scene with condom. Wicked shoot scenes with condom and have been around for 20 years but they are owned by Manwin now.

Maggie Green

Official Checked Star Member
How much do you make doing web cam scene? This 3rd HIV case will push forward with the condom law ever more. Most porn buyer aren't going to watch porn scene with condom. Wicked shoot scenes with condom and have been around for 20 years but they are owned by Manwin now.

That's rude. I don't ask how much you make at your job. And what does that have to do with anything anyways?

In cooperation with ATMLA, Licensed Adult Talent Agency Trade Association, FSC and Adult Performer Health & Safety Services, we are saddened to report that the tests involving performer Cameron Bay have been confirmed as positive for HIV. Both Cutting Edge Testing (CET) and Talent Testing Services (TTS) have run separate tests and have confirmed this information.

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Staff member
How much do you make doing web cam scene? This 3rd HIV case will push forward with the condom law ever more. Most porn buyer aren't going to watch porn scene with condom. Wicked shoot scenes with condom and have been around for 20 years but they are owned by Manwin now.

From what I understand, Manwin doesn't own Wicked Pictures. They just run Wicked's website.
It's ridiculous that this hasn't been dealt with in 2013. The government needs to step in because this "industry" can't police itself.

While there are things in the industry that need to be done better and I can see altering testing procedures to make them more efficient, more independently done by people with no conflict of interest, done more often, and to get knowledge into the hands of the performers about who has what, what would you personally want the government to do to police the industry?

For myself besides having more and reliable testing, I can maybe see limiting or regulating the performer's sexual activities outside of porn to limit exposure to people in the industry, but that would take contracts with the people they work for and because of that wouldn't work for most performers. I also wish the industry had more money and especially the performers got paid more considering what they do, the stigma they face even today, and to make it less likely they would feel the need to do things like escort on the side among other things. I would also like to see performers receive reasonable compensation from the industry for any negative things they experience from it from doing the normal course of their jobs in it. I don't see that happening any time soon though.

At some point it just needs to be excepted that the performers are consenting adults that through common sense should know the dangers of their professions and willingly go though with it. This isn't like a factory where if a person wears steel toed shoes and ear plugs it has no effect on the product and there is no good reason other than a company being cheap or an employee being dumb that there is ever a reasonable reason not to have those safety devices. Something like mandatory condoms, for example, essentially makes creating a certain type of product, a product that should be protected as speech and allowed, as impossible. If I help build a house for somebody and I wear a hardhat that in no way effects the end product. The house is exactly the same in either case. In that there is a big difference between that and something like entertainment. Regulating porn like that would be like limiting auto races or car chases in movies to 40 mph because people have died in them or it's dangerous or not letting people tackle anymore in the NFL and only doing two handed touch to get people down because people get hurt very seriously playing the game. It's the same with hockey, boxing, or MMA, (Yes, think about it, as a society we have sports where people actively punch each other in the face hard to try to hurt them and generally as a society we are alright with that because those people that do it are consenting adults that know the risk.) or even people that work as stuntmen on movie sets. Unlike those other things porn even has or should be protected by free speech concerns that should protect it even more.


Approved Content Owner
Great analogy with the motorcycle racing! I put in 11 yrs on motocross and 6 years in race cars. It is all about managing risk and knowing when to walk away. You do everything you can to be safe and keep your risk down, but if you are not willing to accept some reasonable degree of risk you shouldn't do it. Some veteran porn performers appear to be concluding that the risk has increased too much and are walking away. Girls out there who are putting their health at risk and making bad decisions just because their cell phone bill is overdue should do some soul searching on their career goals.
In another life I actually worked in a testing industry and have a minor in chemistry and microbiology. Testing technology has improved by leaps and bounds but it is still just a tool that only tells a small part of the story. We could test everyday and still not reduce the risk to zero. It's all about knowing who you are working with and the degree of trust you have in the people you are working with.

What you're not taking into consideration is the fact that typically all tests require a time period from time of infection to the time the test shows results, let's call this time to detection. Time to detection is not an incubation time, ie, infection to symptoms, and it's often shorter than the incubation time. Sadly the time from infection to infectious can be shorter than both the time to symptoms and the time to detection. Ends up the rapid test isn't the savior we had all hoped for.

Also, last time I spoke with our county infectious disease officer, he claimed the oral rapid test is notorious for returning false "reactive" results and is no where near as accurate as the tests a lab can preform. He may own stock in a labcorp so I can't vouch for his statement :p

As a note, we do as good a job managing risk in this industry as we did when I raced motorcycles and still my chances of being harmed in this industry is miniscule compared to racing motorcycles.

Bottom line is the only way to never have a motorcycle accident is to never ride a motorcycle.

Think about it......................


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