Final Presidential Debate

Any one else think John McCains lips look like an old womans vagina?

Dont ask how I know what an old womans vagina looks like, lets just say im on the internet way to much :rolleyes:
Any one else think John McCains lips look like an old womans vagina?

Dont ask how I know what an old womans vagina looks like, lets just say im on the internet way to much :rolleyes:

Did you see the debate? One of the things I noticed was his left side of his face looked bad.It looked all puffy or something.Not really all that important I guess, but he really looked like this is all taking a real toll physically on him.He hopefully will get some rest after Nov 4th .:D
I watched the repeat this morning, seemed to me Obama, won comfortably. McCains central argument the whole time was to criticise everything Obama has done before and during the campaign, I heard barley anything of his policies, which in turn allowed us to hear many of Obama's policies, which seemed to me will be a welcome change to the last 8 years.

If Obama doesnt win this I will be very surprised and horrified.


Closed Account
Where's my damn border fence !! :mad:

oops...i forgot that was a bunch of shit.

Immigration was a hot button issue at one time & the right wingers hated old "McAmnesty", but McCain has backtracked ,I believe, to get the GOP nomination.I guess no one is interested in immigration reform anymore:dunno:

Nothing new in this debate . Even REASONABLE conservatives admit that Obama outclasses McCain in these debates.

I still wouldn't be shocked if Obama lost this election however, as I have seen this country actually vote GW into office twice. I have little faith in this country's electorate.
All of your arguments have shown one thing. The majority of post-modern post-Christian Americans vote based on style over substance. We have an Oprah mentality that oos and ahhs over so called "reality" shams (shows) on tv.

We lust after those things that play to our basest desires. This election is about whether we want a SOCIALIST president with big ears and purple lips presiding over a congress led by ultra left wing whackos Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid...or...though we have strayed...getting our country back to operating according to the visionary experiment set forth by John Adams, George Washington, and our revered founders who saw and experienced the tyrrany of an over reaching Government trying to "spread the wealth around."

I'd rather be poor and free than have the government telling me how to live my life. FREEDOM (the ability to choose to do what is right) is the core value of America. How easily we are throwing it in the toilet.
I watched the repeat this morning, seemed to me Obama, won comfortably. McCains central argument the whole time was to criticise everything Obama has done before and during the campaign, I heard barley anything of his policies, which in turn allowed us to hear many of Obama's policies, which seemed to me will be a welcome change to the last 8 years.

If Obama doesnt win this I will be very surprised and horrified.

Same impressions here.While McCain's attack mode may play well to the pub base it really is turning off independents and undecided voters.Every analysis of focus groups of undecided voters and every media outlet (even Fox) thought Obama won.McCain when not attacking had real trouble expressing any coherent policy's while Obama even according to people who said they still would not vote for him got right to the point and was easily understandable.Obama showed over and over how erractic and incosistent what McCain was saying was.As an example Mccain would say he was for a "freeze" on all spending while Obama said some things should be cut or even eliminated from spending on but some needed to be increased,a more logical approach IMO.Then later when McCain tried to talk up Palin and her being committed to special needs children and how more needed to be done on autism Obama said wait John if you have a blanket freeze on spending increases just how will you do more on autism.McCain tried to give some lame answer about well more money is not always the answer but the truth is if your not going to commit more to research then you are just paying lip service to it.We need to cut spending on many things for sure ,but some things llike infrastructure and others need to be increased.A blanket accross the board freeze is entirely unable to do that.
And let me tell ya if you think you will be horrified if Obama does not win,just imagine how some of us here will feel.This is a pivotal time and election and we need to try something very different here or the future looks all down hill.I don't kid myself anybody can perform magic and turn it around quickly but we can't stand more of the policys ,especially economic we have had here under Bush.And that is what McCain would be.
All of your arguments have shown one thing. The majority of post-modern post-Christian Americans vote based on style over substance. We have an Oprah mentality that oos and ahhs over so called "reality" shams (shows) on tv.

We lust after those things that play to our basest desires. This election is about whether we want a SOCIALIST president with big ears and purple lips presiding over a congress led by ultra left wing whackos Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid...or...though we have strayed...getting our country back to operating according to the visionary experiment set forth by John Adams, George Washington, and our revered founders who saw and experienced the tyrrany of an over reaching Government trying to "spread the wealth around."

I'd rather be poor and free than have the government telling me how to live my life. FREEDOM (the ability to choose to do what is right) is the core value of America. How easily we are throwing it in the toilet.

Wow, a socialist president?? no way that this country wants that...we just have to inflate our tires and give our cars a tune up so save energy. or he was just a guy from the neighborhood, but I though he was rehabilitated. You must be seeing things that the media doesn't want you to see.
Palin...I'd grab my strap on and..........:sex:....maybe! Angry sex. Ha hahaha!

There's a popular poll that asks which presidential candidate they'd rather have a beer with.

Maybe the poll should be, "Who would you rather go to bed with?

That's kinda...ick...creepy. But, the thought of Todd Palin...Yum! I could just eat him up. He can take me for a ride on his snow machine anytime. Maybe we can have a foursome with the Palins. While you show Sarah anger with your strap-on, I'll show her love with mine. That's Bi-partisan!
The majority of post-modern post-Christian Americans vote based on style over substance. We have an Oprah mentality that oos and ahhs over so called "reality" shams (shows) on tv.

Wow someone gets it! This is the Presidential Election not American Idol for fucks sake. The GOP VP has more experience from running a mediocre Alaska city than Nobama. Not to mention excerpts from his books showing he has another agenda. If he's elected mark my words...
All of your arguments have shown one thing. The majority of post-modern post-Christian Americans vote based on style over substance. We have an Oprah mentality that oos and ahhs over so called "reality" shams (shows) on tv.

We lust after those things that play to our basest desires. This election is about whether we want a SOCIALIST president with big ears and purple lips presiding over a congress led by ultra left wing whackos Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid...or...though we have strayed...getting our country back to operating according to the visionary experiment set forth by John Adams, George Washington, and our revered founders who saw and experienced the tyrrany of an over reaching Government trying to "spread the wealth around."

I'd rather be poor and free than have the government telling me how to live my life. FREEDOM (the ability to choose to do what is right) is the core value of America. How easily we are throwing it in the toilet.

I think what the US has become is an aberation of those early values, and the rhetoric of keeping conservative does nothing to bring that back but supports the current distortion of it.

We need to get out of an unjust war, fix an economy based on oil greed, and catering to military suppliers, and now somehow find $10 Trillion dollars to pay off principal owed, at least half of which was accrued by former conservatives deceiving the public. I don't see how anyone's freedom is at risk. :2 cents:
I think what the US has become is an aberation of those early values, and the rhetoric of keeping conservative does nothing to bring that back but supports the current distortion of it.

We need to get out of an unjust war, fix an economy based on oil greed, and catering to military suppliers, and now somehow find $10 Trillion dollars to pay off principal owed, at least half of which was accrued by former conservatives deceiving the public. I don't see how anyone's freedom is at risk. :2 cents:

Somehow to think that the democrats are going to take away our freedoms is just crazy. Remember it was the progressives that wanted women to be able to vote and wanted black people equal rights. It was the conservatives that wanted to stay the same.
I think what the US has become is an aberation of those early values, and the rhetoric of keeping conservative does nothing to bring that back but supports the current distortion of it.

We need to get out of an unjust war, fix an economy based on oil greed, and catering to military suppliers, and now somehow find $10 Trillion dollars to pay off principal owed, at least half of which was accrued by former conservatives deceiving the public. I don't see how anyone's freedom is at risk. :2 cents:

Well maybe the freedom of corporate types to almost ruin our economy is at risk here.But then again that should have never been a freedom they had in the 1st place.Even a McCain would agree with that.He said last night americans are "mad" which was his way of justifying his angry style of debate.He's wrong americans are afraid and depressed ,with good reason IMO.
Somehow to think that the democrats are going to take away our freedoms is just crazy. Remember it was the progressives that wanted women to be able to vote and wanted black people equal rights. It was the conservatives that wanted to stay the same.

Yeah that's why the progressives are so pro gender bashing i.e Hillary, Ferraro and Palin.

Or bashing against special needs people, Rangel attack on Palin that "you have to be nice to the handicap"

Or the obsession to repay the blacks by voting for Barack? so fuck the other groups, native american, latinos, asians, europeans, africans, middle easterns,etc, they don't count if they are not black.
Well maybe the freedom of corporate types to almost ruin our economy is at risk here.But then again that should have never been a freedom they had in the 1st place.Even a McCain would agree with that.He said last night americans are "mad" which was his way of justifying his angry style of debate.He's wrong americans are afraid and depressed ,with good reason IMO.

Yes, I stopped just short of saying that. CEO's of major banking corporations probably won't like that their $450 million dollar salaries will be taxed more heavily. Sometime after Cheney, (the same people that now bring you McCain and Palin), steps out of the oval office, his former company Haliburton and subsidiary Blackwater which have made Billions off the wrong war, will move their headquarters to Dubai to avoid paying any US tax.

Lehman Brothers Boss Defends $484 Million in Salary, Bonus

I also think McCain is angry that someone like Obama with a lot less time on the job is going to be promoted to the top boss position. He also will not get another chance at it.


Closed Account
I think what the US has become is an aberation of those early values, and the rhetoric of keeping conservative does nothing to bring that back but supports the current distortion of it.

We need to get out of an unjust war, fix an economy based on oil greed, and catering to military suppliers, and now somehow find $10 Trillion dollars to pay off principal owed, at least half of which was accrued by former conservatives deceiving the public. I don't see how anyone's freedom is at risk. :2 cents:

Yes the old Conservative platform(championed by Reagan & his trickle down theory/ voodoo economics/ Reaganomics,etc..) of tax decreases & tax breaks for society's wealthiest ,but unprecedented defense spending.

So who the hell is paying for the over half trillion dollar defense budget:eek:(excluding the $12billion/month in IRAQ) if we keep giving tax cuts to corporations & this societies wealthiest:dunno: Future generations perhaps?

Bush added nearly 5 trillion dollars to the national debt that ,Reagan got started in just 8 years & many people haven't caught on yet. Obviously since they have voted for Bush twice & I wouldn't be shocked if McCain won.
Yes the old Conservative platform(championed by Reagan & his trickle down theory/ voodoo economics/ Reaganomics,etc..) of tax decreases & tax breaks for society's wealthiest ,but unprecedented defense spending.

So who the hell is paying for the over half trillion dollar defense budget:eek:(excluding the $12billion/month in IRAQ) if we keep giving tax cuts to corporations & this societies wealthiest:dunno: Future generations perhaps?

Bush added nearly 5 trillion dollars to the national debt that ,Reagan got started in just 8 years & many people haven't caught on yet. Obviously since they have voted for Bush twice & I wouldn't be shocked if McCain won.

Well as I've said, there's a dumbing down of America in the news and media. People don't care, they hear war on terror and think it must be true. Might makes right basically. Somehow they think John Wayne is a symbol of what they want to be, although that only works if you look and think like he does, which is not a majority of people in the US anymore, and people see that slipping away with an Obama presidency.

McCain brings up some $1B in Obama spending?, but the subject of $12B monthly in Iraq goes to the ideal of patriotism, not that the war should never have been started in the first place and yes, clearly started as a lie with the intelligence they had at the time. $1B in any new spending plan, is really only two days of supporting the war in Iraq.