Favorite video game soundtracks


Pending Official Checked Star Member
Ohhh FFVII is my absolute favorite! I think that's the first game soundtrack I was nuts over :) :) :rolleyes: :bowdown:


Closed Account
FF9 theme song... ughh
Streets of Rage II

Hay what kind of pants does Mario Wear??

Denim Denim Denim (get it stage 2??)


Closed Account
Shadow of the Colossus hands down is probably the best soundtrack ever to a game.

also, I recently played world of goo, it sounds like a Danny Elfman/Tim Burton movie, very good.

and the Donkey Kong Country ones are classics.
I wouldn't know. Every new game I start, the first thing I do after the opening sequence is turn the music slider all the way to the left.
