Ebay - May Their Greed Destroy Them


knows petras secret: she farted.
I haven't used ebay in years, but I was thinking about selling some stuff recently. I just hadn't got around to it.

From what you guys have said, I'll have to have a look to see if it'd really be worth it.

it all depends on what wares you're flogging. if its rarer stuff, you can still do good with the right set up. the final fees add up quick, especially if your items sell for more than a few bucks.

also, has shipping gone up in the post office or what. a few years ago, priority shipping was my bff. 3.75 and they had all sorts of ready made boxes. now, its all those flat rate box ripoffs. what a scam those things are. the only way you win on those is if you're shipping a fucking bowling ball or something.
..was on ebay for almost 4 years, all they do is take your money.
If it comes to service they write you kinda * standard-letters * ..


Hiliary 2020
it all depends on what wares you're flogging. if its rarer stuff, you can still do good with the right set up. the final fees add up quick, especially if your items sell for more than a few bucks.

also, has shipping gone up in the post office or what. a few years ago, priority shipping was my bff. 3.75 and they had all sorts of ready made boxes. now, its all those flat rate box ripoffs. what a scam those things are. the only way you win on those is if you're shipping a fucking bowling ball or something.

yeah, theyve jackked their prices too , at least they can claim rising oil prices........ USPS, another one that needs some real competition.


Hiliary 2020
Ever hear of the expression, 'making lemonade out of lemons' (or something like that)?

Why not start your own site doing all the chit you liked that ebay doesn't do anymore?

There are probably people like you out there and you don't have to be forced to do anything.

OTBT (Outside the box thinking m/p..outside the box thinking).


Word of warning, there are likely specific reasons they've adopted the business practices they engage in now. So beware.:o

I will do that. i will create an auction site that will put ebay out of business.
I'll show them.
And I'll name it after the man who inspired me, I'll call it MEGABAY.

Oh one thing, how does one go about creating a website?
Little help?
I will do that. i will create an auction site that will put ebay out of business.
I'll show them.
You don't have to create a business for either of those motivations. You're motivation ought to be born of delivering a service you believe there is a marketplace for.

If you want the service (or goods), maybe someone else does too. How many want what you do as opposed to what ebay.com now does will determine who survives.:2 cents:
And I'll name it after the man who inspired me, I'll call it MEGABAY.
Don't forget to leave rep for me and broker's fee rep for FOs Petra. I think her going rate is 10.:dunno:


For the EMPEROR!!
It's quite good and has everything under the sun. Ebay has truly gone global, expanding 40% in Asia last year alone. It's the World's biggest auction market.
Yeah, I haven't been on it for ages.
it all depends on what wares you're flogging. if its rarer stuff, you can still do good with the right set up. the final fees add up quick, especially if your items sell for more than a few bucks.

also, has shipping gone up in the post office or what. a few years ago, priority shipping was my bff. 3.75 and they had all sorts of ready made boxes. now, its all those flat rate box ripoffs. what a scam those things are. the only way you win on those is if you're shipping a fucking bowling ball or something.

Yeah, I might have a quick look at ebay and see if it'll be worth it or not.

I'll probably end up leaving it to my sister to sell. She's pretty good at selling and bargaining. .. Save me the hassle. :D


knows petras secret: she farted.
i also took a long break from egay. and man, did it change from what i remember. everything did. the fees, the partnerships, and the market. oh the market.

its awful. like i say, its a fucking retail store now. you never get lucky on a laptop, video game, etc anymore.


Hiliary 2020
another thing they do now with forcing you to use Paypal
(and they do, like I said they actually ended one of my auction early because I used the words , "Money" and "Order" in my description) is hold the money for 21 days.
You must wait 21 days after you recieve payment to withdraw the funds from paypal.
That must be tens or Hundreds of millions of dollars they are sitting on for 3 weeks and collecting interest on it.
Really sucks.
But I guess when the world is running down you make the best of what's still around.
I´m out that bullshit-company since years.
Sure they want to make you accept paypal, because paypal is a company owned to 100% to ebay.

As far as I know them bastards also try to tell you now how much to take for shipping + handling ...?!? And as I said, if it comes to service, just standard-written-mail-bullshit .

I dont need to sell nothing nor need to buy something, so EBAY : kiss my azz ! :D:angels:


Ebay isn't a monopoly, it's a big consumer generated mega corp though. Obviously they did it best for long enough to corner the market. Nothing wrong with that. If people don't like it they should explore other options. What are the alternative auction sites? Only ebid? http://us.ebid.net/help_selling.php
Obviously they did it best for long enough to corner the market. Nothing wrong with that. If people don't like it they should explore other options. What are the alternative auction sites?
In North Korea, there's Wongbay :1orglaugh