Donald Trump

Re: Trump Says "I'll win the Latino Vote!"

I spelled it wrong. pure and simple. Doing too many things at once. Remember, I'm not as smart or educated as you are. But at least I'm on the right side of the argument.

As of today, there are more brown skinned people in america born every day than white. from age 0 to 5 whites aren't a majority. You're the one who's so smart so YOU can do that math of what our society will look like in 18 years from now. And considering that gap will continue to widen no matter how many of you bigots pledge to have 5 kids (that still makes me laugh out loud!) you won't be able to keep up. to even say that you and others on your side are making this pledge is laughable and sadly racist. And considering that young whites are more liberal and non-religious than at any time in american history just means You Might be breeding little liberal white gay atheists instead of religious conservative bigots that you're hoping for. I'd be more worried about that than anything else. Not to mention the fact that the US has a very serious population problem. Its a fact that if everyone on earth lived like americans we'd need 5 earths. We already have 1 in 8 kids going to bed hungry and a water shortage problem but you go ahead and all become the Duggar family. That sure turned out well didn't it? lol
Re: Trump Says "I'll win the Latino Vote!"

I spelled it wrong. pure and simple. Doing too many things at once. Remember, I'm not as smart or educated as you are. But at least I'm on the right side of the argument.

As of today, there are more brown skinned people in america born every day than white. from age 0 to 5 whites aren't a majority. You're the one who's so smart so YOU can do that math of what our society will look like in 18 years from now. And considering that gap will continue to widen no matter how many of you bigots pledge to have 5 kids (that still makes me laugh out loud!) you won't be able to keep up. to even say that you and others on your side are making this pledge is laughable and sadly racist. And considering that young whites are more liberal and non-religious than at any time in american history just means You Might be breeding little liberal white gay atheists instead of religious conservative bigots that you're hoping for. I'd be more worried about that than anything else. Not to mention the fact that the US has a very serious population problem. Its a fact that if everyone on earth lived like americans we'd need 5 earths. We already have 1 in 8 kids going to bed hungry and a water shortage problem but you go ahead and all become the Duggar family. That sure turned out well didn't it? lol

La Milano gets on her high horses. Let me ask you some stupid questions:
-why make kids if you can't guarantee them a future nor even can't feed them, can't educate them or don't have the revenues to give them a decent way of living?
-you seem to always blame the white for the others people misery but maybe if the other people weren't so stupid to make 5 kids and count on a nanny welfare state, things wouldn't be as bad as they are. Living from food coupons, free healthcareand leeching off social helps and social housing without even trying to work voids your argument. Maybe the non whites should take their own responsabilities and assume them plainly and fully don't ya think?
-what do you think that people say about a country which has no more its own identity nor a clear representative population? Just think about it and if you dislike the whites this much then it makes you a racist too whether you like it or not.

At a on final note, it is to easy to resort the same old bs excuse all the time, as you do:" you don't like Obama nor his policies then you are a racist." It is just very narrow minded and senseless.
Re: Trump Says "I'll win the Latino Vote!"

Now Trump is saying he'll win the black vote too lol
georges how much do you think people get in welfare and food stamps? please, tell us since you know so much? If you think its enough to live on and enjoy life you are terribly misinformed. I know because when I was a single mother at 17 I was on food stamps and welfare and I got about $400 a MONTH to live on and feed myself and my baby. Could YOU live on that much by yourself? Pay rent and utilities and all your other bills? So this idea that people are just living it up on welfare and food stamps is stupid. Its not factually accurate and just propaganda being sold by people with an agenda.
Re: Trump Says "I'll win the Latino Vote!"

THE DONALD cant be stopped. the world is about to find out if you have enough money...(i stress that phrase) enough money! you can be anything you want in this world. IMO at the moment shemp howard would look pretty good..............
Re: Trump Says "I'll win the Latino Vote!"

He'll be soon as some of these other idiots drop out and people have to make a serious choice. He has more people on the right who hate him than like him. When he only needs 20% to be the front man he gets it but when he needs 50% he'll still have that 20%. He's nothing more than a bigmouth firing up the people who don't know about politics and wanna see this asshole flex the american muscles and take over everything.
Re: Trump Says "I'll win the Latino Vote!"

Now Trump is saying he'll win the black vote too lol
georges how much do you think people get in welfare and food stamps? please, tell us since you know so much? If you think its enough to live on and enjoy life you are terribly misinformed. I know because when I was a single mother at 17 I was on food stamps and welfare and I got about $400 a MONTH to live on and feed myself and my baby. Could YOU live on that much by yourself? Pay rent and utilities and all your other bills? So this idea that people are just living it up on welfare and food stamps is stupid. Its not factually accurate and just propaganda being sold by people with an agenda.

In France, people living thanks to the nanny state paid with others people work and taxes, get 500€ of social helps per kid , add to this social helps of 400€ for the rent, free food from the restos du coeur which can represent a sum of 150-250€ , 75% reduction for public transportation and add to this free leisure and free holidays to the kids of people living in difficult situation causing only troubles wherever they go. If I add the sums of all these benefits, they can live pretty well without working with 1800€ per month, I pay my taxes for such people, I find it shameful. It was your decision to make a kid, so assume it and rely on your own. None is forced to give you something, nor owes you something. Passed 21 years old of age, you are an adult and you have to assume all the decisions you take and make. People make some choices and often they too easily escape them.
Re: Trump Says "I'll win the Latino Vote!"

He's nothing more than a bigmouth firing up the people who don't know about politics and wanna see this asshole flex the american muscles and take over everything.
Same can be said about your wizzard Obama, a liar and a divider
Re: Trump Says "I'll win the Latino Vote!"

Same can be said about your wizzard Obama, a liar and a divider

The next time I am feeling all culturee I'm a gonna go to France and have a few drinks with Georges. God damn there is still hope for Europe yet.
Re: Trump Says "I'll win the Latino Vote!"

The next time I am feeling all culturee I'm a gonna go to France and have a few drinks with Georges. God damn there is still hope for Europe yet.

Anytime you want :)
Re: The Donald - Post Your Favorite Trump Pics & Quotes!

Heard this one tonight that was really awesome from his announcement speech that I missed somehow the first time: When asked what his plans are to turn the country around he said, "I will do many things very quickly!"

Well at least he is talking to journalists.

Hillary hasn't answered a question since February.
Re: The Donald - Post Your Favorite Trump Pics & Quotes!

Really? He just banned the biggest paper in Iowa because they insulted him. He was the only no-show in NH because a paper disrespected him. He will be cutting media out left and right once this starts rolling.

So when YOUR candidate is asked what his plan is to fix america you'd rather hear retarded shit like "Ill do many things very quickly" than nothing?????????? Hillary has been talking I just saw a HORRIBLE interview she did for CNN where she looked like a wax version of herself and when asked why people don't like her or trust her I thought her eyes were going to pop out. She sucks. she's pretending to steer left but she's a fucking sell out big business whore like everyone on your side.
Re: The Donald - Post Your Favorite Trump Pics & Quotes!

Trump is not my candidate. I guess he could be if that is all I have to choose from. I do enjoy the Trumpnado though.
Thursday night is almost like the Superbowl for me. Gonna have friends over with wings and chili a whole layout.

I think Kasich will do well.
Re: The Donald - Post Your Favorite Trump Pics & Quotes!

Oh and Monkey Brains. I just take a block of cream cheese and dump shrimp cocktails on top of it. Add some of those Wheatables crackers and I am in business.
Re: The Donald - Post Your Favorite Trump Pics & Quotes!

Kasich is creepy to me too. He does weird things with his mouth and he slouches and shuffles around. You can tell a lot about a person by their posture and mannerisms.

Bush slouches like an old lady.

Yeah, my mom commented on Kasich's quirky mouth too. She also noticed that Walker had one eye higher than the other. If he wore glasses they would sit askew on his face.
Re: The Donald - Post Your Favorite Trump Pics & Quotes!

I used to watch him on faux news and his mouth was always weird and he has that weird midwest accent. and walker looks fucking strange to me too. he looks like a car salesman who just lost a big deal. he looks pissy. fuck all of em! Im going for a swim and then a shower and bed. good night fuckface :)

kisses you bastard of a man!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Re: The Donald - Post Your Favorite Trump Pics & Quotes!

See I can be nice as long as you don't start your shit first thing in the morning.

Good night you commie freak.

Will E Worm

Re: The Donald - Post Your Favorite Trump Pics & Quotes!

Not my favorite quote.

I generally oppose gun control, but I support the ban on assault weapons and I support a slightly longer waiting period to purchase a gun.
With today’s Internet technology we should be able to tell within 72-hours if a potential gun owner has a record.

Source: The America We Deserve, by Donald Trump, p.102 , Jul 2, 2000

I will not vote for anyone who supports restrictions, regulations or gun control.
