After, Inc. (From the Plague Inc guys. You already killed off the planet, now build it back up.)
Cells (Dunno how many years I've been playing this. Right around my divorce, soo.. 2017/2018? Just an idle game that has a bit of flair)
States Builder (Turn off your connection and just waste time. It isnt necessarily fun, but good to put yer ass to sleep whilst clicking'n'waiting.)
ProgressBar95 (Nostalgia and yet not. I honestly wanna fire up a VM and just try to get win95 somehow, kinda, barely working in today's world)
Bard's Tale (Yeah, so it aint the barebones 1980s dungeon crawler by any means. It has a snarky bard that wants cash and chicks while breaking the fourth wall about game mechanics and game stereotypes. Dunno how much I paid for this but I figure it was 3 or 5 bucks)