Dick Size

No it doesn't.
But on the plus side it gave me the most intense orgasm of my entire life. . .sadly it was my last as nanoseconds later my cock was untimely ripped from its fleshy moorings. :(

Don't disparage the lad!

Just because your withered cock skin couldn't handle the pressure doesn't mean his won't. Anyway, I thought you said you liked pissing in a bag and that "having nothing more than a skinless nub" was the most liberating thing you've ever experienced? Whipping it out at every possible opportunity and simultaneously ejaculating (seemingly from nowhere I might add) doesn't strike me as a person who is suffering from deep seated psychological distress. But that's just me, who knows....

Of course this might happen to him as well but you never know, he might be happier being nothing more than just a ball sack. It obviously works for some.

I can't tell if the OP is serious or not.

Unless your dick is really really short, don't worry about increasing your dick length. Contrary to popular belief, a really long dick is pointless to have because most girls will never let you go in all the way. Hitting the cervix is not pleasurable for girls, it's actually quite painful. Penis girth is more important than length but even that doesn't make much of a difference.

The most important thing is to know how to use your dick.
This is true as I have discovered to my cost. When my ex first saw my cock she was shocked by its massive size.
"Be careful, I have a weak heart" she said.
To which I replied, "Well lie on your side & I'll try & miss it!"
Don't matter...it's a guy thing...I believe if someone loves you...dick size is a matter of personal preference and bigger is NOT always better...as they say, more than a mouthful is a waste :nanner:

Be who you are and PROUD!!!

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
I have an eleven inch penis... around! Think about it...
I've found the best way to make mine longer is to slam it in the car door or trunk (if you like it in the backside), then have someone floor it.

It pulls free, hits me in the face, and I know I'm good for another week or two.
tie a 25 lb weight to it and leave it connected for a few months

you'll gain length you never wanted
Does anyone know the British series A 21st century girl's guide to sex?
There they had ridiculous methods of increasing your dick side and super stupid cunnilingus advice. That totally raped the credibility...

Anyway, to answer the OP, in the Kama Sutra (The old book, not the actor) they advice you to go sleeping in a hammock, make a hole in the bottom, sleep with your dick out and a weight attached to your dick with a rope... Are you desperate enough to try?

Kristine Cumz

Official Checked Star Member
I've been known as somewhat of a "healer" in this area....I have a gift, it seems every time I put one in my mouth, it gets bigger. If anyone needs help with theirs just let me know! :)
I hear that there's one at BlueBalls' house. You don't mind that it's used do you?

Yeah, but I like to attach mine to the cats brown eye and film it tearing around the house trying to get it off. But you can have it if you don't mind some crusty cat faeces.

This is how I spend my Sundays....
There isn't a way, this has been covered before.

You could have surgery, which would increase your size, but completely destroy your ability to use it, other than that, nothing will increase the size of your penis.