Johann Splooge
Closed Account
I love this american woman. not sure what you call it but she is of indian and spanish decent so she is a mut with a fat butt. She looks so bulky and slow.
Hey there-- I'm around-- just doing my thing-- working on my website, feature dancing, and I dance in Vegas too. I'm not shooting much anymore now that I live in Vegas, except for my website ... a little for Brazzers, but I'd rather work for myself. I also own part of a club in Peoria, Illinois, and I spend 7-10 days a month back there- we just won a four-year battle for liquor a couple weeks ago, and it was a tough battle, but I'll be spending more time back home again--- HOWEVER- no plans on ever leaving Vegas permanently--
Join my myspace for my schedule and I'm adding a program to my website so non-members and members can purchase exclusive video downloads. And of course, if I'm not featuring in your town, you can always check me out in Peoria or Las Vegas....
Inari Vachs and XXXena work with me there too- Spearmint Rhino...
Kisses !