Comments about Bush re-elected.

Dont forget about what the democrats wanted to silence a certain radio show host, by trying to get him banned from the radio airwaves, and which political party wanted and (got) the v-chip, sounds awfully close to taking away a certain amendment to the constituition , I dont think we have to worry about anything like that with in the next 4 years.
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futthewuck said:
Dont forget about what the democrats wanted to silence a certain radio show host, by trying to get him banned from the radio airwaves, and which political party wanted and (got) the v-chip, sounds awfully close to taking away a certain amendment to the constituition , I dont think we have to worry about anything like that with in the next 4 years.

Howard Stern? No wait that was the republicans that wanted him off the air wasn't it.
Brino said:
Howard Stern? No wait that was the republicans that wanted him off the air wasn't it.

Yep, that door swings both ways. Stern is a crybaby though. I love the guy but he pissed me off this year. If anything, that whole controversy HELPED him. His rating were dropping everywhere but NYC and Philly. Once that controvercy happened he became the outcast again. Thus his popularity rose.
foxfilm said:
Amen, good to see you Starman.

In addition to the totally screwed up election, my list of recent problems with Bush:
1) Purging the CIA -- an organization that has to be non partisan -- of anyone who doesn't share the White House's assessment of the way of the world. This was a real big favorite of Hitler and Stalin.

2) Nominating Gonzales for attourney general. This guy wrote papers on how torture is justifiable and the Geneva Convention is "quaint" and shouldn't be adhered to. He's the one who fought for George to keep the energy policy documents secret, to prevent George and Cheney's testimony before the 911 commission private and off the record, along with the lame rules for Condi Rice's testimony. He was George's primary counsil re: 142 people George killed in Texas without arguments from the plaintiffs. He's a Latin Uncle Tom who believes first and foremost in the government's right to keep information from the people, and secondly believes in "guilty until proven innocent". The guy might as well be a Nazi, and he's next in line to be the lawyer for the people.

3)Consume failure Condi Rice as Secretary of State. She failed her country before 911, lied afterwards to the people and to Congress, and alienated many of our allies with thoughtless comments. The only justice here would be if Bush ended up getting a Clintonesque bashing over blowjobs... Which some folks in Washington are contending.

1) how do you compare the method of purging the cia to Hitler and Stalin, have you got serious proofs to back up that?

2) same question how do you came to these conclusions and have you got proofs to back them up? I wonder how can you compare an attorney general to a nazi.

3)how can you say such things on Mrs Condoleeza Rice? do you have proofs to back up your arguments? We have seen what has done the clinton administration nothing to prevent terrorism with bombing of the uss cole and the 1st wtc attack.
Brino said:
First let me say that I'm glad that your not against overturning Roe V. Wade

Second, I have to say concerning John Kerry's Record in the Senate that the stuff you hear from the right about that is just propaganda. Cheney has voted against the same weapons systems as Kerry and more. On top of that Kerry said that it would be a mistake to vote against those same systems today. Seriously, do you truly believe that if Kerry was elected president that he would vote against weapon systems? In the world were living in today? I don't think so.

Not propaganda. I have documents to prove it. Kerry systematically voted against the acquisition of latest weaponswhen he was in senate. If kerry voted against the acquisitions of latest weapons a 1st time I don't see the reason why he wouldn't do it a 2nd time.

thanks mods to approve the 1st document


  • kerrysenatedocument.jpg
    49.7 KB · Views: 97
2nd document thanks to approve it mods


  • kerrysenatedocument2.jpg
    52.4 KB · Views: 87


Mods, Please don't approve those documents, I already know what they are and georges has posted them several times before.


georges said:
Not propaganda. I have documents to prove it. Kerry systematically voted against the acquisition of latest weaponswhen he was in senate. If kerry voted against the acquisitions of latest weapons a 1st time I don't see the reason why he wouldn't do it a 2nd time.

thanks mods to approve the 1st document

Well guess what georges, I can give you a dozen links to documents that prove otherwise, infact I've given you those links in the past and you say their bullshit even though their from the U.S. government. Funny, you've never commented on the fact that Cheney voted against weapon systems. I wonder why!?
Something I mentioned in another thread and that I should have mentioned here, earlier: Bush hasn't won the election, yet.

Kerry's concession isn't legally binding, the electoral college has not yet presented it's votes to congress, and the joint session hasn't certified anything. This doesn't happen until Dec. 18th.

As it stands, Bush has not been elected yet, and the members of the electoral college are within their rights to vote however they see fit. It just so happens they historically cast their votes to reflect the way their state voting totals came out, but if enough proof of election shenanigans can be brought to light? There was a Republican in Pennsylvania that said weeks before the election that he wouldn't cast his vote for Bush, regardless of the popular vote results.

Things could still get interesting.
Brino said:
Mods, Please don't approve those documents, I already know what they are and georges has posted them several times before.
Don't listen to Brino,Brino you are not here to dictate me lessons about what I should post or not, am I enough clear? It is not offensive material as far as I know, those are just documents and not childish pics that you posted in huge numbers Brino. Did I ever ask mods not to approve your chilidsh pics Brino. No never,so don't do the other what you don't want be done to you.
You were passing Kerry for what he isn't first and second you always put Kerry as a victim those are proofs of what he voted against. I know about Cheney but here we discuss about Kerry.


foxfilm said:
Something I mentioned in another thread and that I should have mentioned here, earlier: Bush hasn't won the election, yet.

Kerry's concession isn't legally binding, the electoral college has not yet presented it's votes to congress, and the joint session hasn't certified anything. This doesn't happen until Dec. 18th.

As it stands, Bush has not been elected yet, and the members of the electoral college are within their rights to vote however they see fit. It just so happens they historically cast their votes to reflect the way their state voting totals came out, but if enough proof of election shenanigans can be brought to light? There was a Republican in Pennsylvania that said weeks before the election that he wouldn't cast his vote for Bush, regardless of the popular vote results.

Things could still get interesting.

They could get interesting. But i wouldn't hold my breath if i were you. I am definitely anti Bush; but I am wondering; would you be this precise if Kerry had won?
"Obey your leaders and submit to their authority. They keep watch over you as men who must give an account. Obey them so that their will work will be a joy, not a burden, for that would be of no advantage to you." Hebrews 13:17

That's my "comment".
Brino said:
Mods, Please don't approve those documents, I already know what they are and georges has posted them several times before.

Oh, but I bet you think Michael Moore is the absolute truth :1orglaugh
Harry Lime said:
Oh, but I bet you think Michael Moore is the absolute truth :1orglaugh
i applaud you for this nice argument well done mate :glugglug: :thumbsup: :hatsoff:


georges :georges:
georges said:
i applaud you for this nice argument well done mate :glugglug: :thumbsup: :hatsoff:

It's just silly to dismiss his voting records as if it's all propaganda. Anyone with commone sense can just look them up and read through them. You don't have to go to a right wing propaganda website to find them.
georges said:
i applaud you for this nice argument well done mate :glugglug: :thumbsup: :hatsoff:


georges :georges:

Man you are stupid Georges Brino told you a lot of time that he do not believe everything Moore is saying just like you dont believe everything GWB is saying... so please stop saying that because you're just asking for it.... :yesyes:
foxfilm- Jism: Are you also into stoning people and human sacrifice that's also in the old testament?

Hebrews is out of the New Testament. Your credibility just gets better with every comment eh? :wave2: