Anyone think this is attractive?

I like athletic bodies and muscles developed to do a job. Body building, male or female, seems pointless as it is purely aesthetic, and most of the contributors don't like over defined and developed muscles.

However, I must say she has a great set of boobs for a body builder,
Her arms and legs are way too ripped.

She'd be smokin if she was a little smaller, and her abs were softer.
She's in great shape and she's worked hard to get where she is,,, but does she look sexy,,,, I don't think so. But if she feels good about herself,,,, more power to her.
Looks like she broke into Barry Bond's medicine cabinet. Her head is swelling as we speak, ewwwww!
Too muscled for me, I agree with most of you...a woman shouldn't have much heavily defined muscle
OMG...its she hulk and she need some cash
"What ya gonna do when Hulkamania runs wild on you";) In other words, no this isnt attractive. But then again I prefer full figured women.