Anyone here play Final Fantasy Brave Exvius?

Sorry for the absence. Recovering from treating myself LOL.
Also been on an anime binge with Girls und Panzer. Over the past couple days I just watched the entire anime series, the OVAs, and the Movie! Damn that is a good anime & now there's a final series! I can't wait.

So the gods were pretty nice, although I spend an UNGODLY (by my standards) amount of tix and even did a round of the step up. For Nier I ended up with one of each of the 5* and lots of the others, including 9S. I have mixed feelings about the 5*, because while it's nice having both, I also wanted to get that 7* 2B. In non-Nier stuff I got my 2nd 7* OK and my 4th Cloud so I'm ready for his STMR which is supposed to be even better than Hyou's.
Still no Mag Tank or Mag DPS (7* TT WHERE ARE YOU!!) though.

Katy P? You mean the Singer? I haven't heard anything about this... what's it all about?

Congrats on the OK! Yeah, dual Sp.Wind should really do some dmg, esp if you have a good finisher. I'll put him back up for you.
Also if you pull Siggy (even 1) that should really help too against Titan. He's supposed to be better than Willie but maybe not enough to pull if you already have him at 7*. I really want a 7* Mag tank!
Nice! I heard of that anime. I been watching Gunslinger on Netflix. Not bad.

Yeah I wasted lots of tickets and got crap beside 210s for her tmr. At least we got level 99 on raid so get 5* summon ticket. Plus other rewards.

Yup. Instead of Ariana (my pref if gonna use celebs) it is the singer Katy Perry... ughhhhh. Gonna be dumb. Just for 2 weeks. Not multi like Ariana was. From my understanding.

Yeah I'll let you know when I get my OK 7* and up and going. :)

Glad you had a seemingly nice birthday :hatsoff: recovering and birthday can only mean hell of a time haha
Fan Fiesta ticket gave me 2nd rainbow. My 2nd Lulu. Too bad she not 7*

All these rainbows after the whole Nier banner :(
Hey, that's another future 7* for you, so why not?

Lots of mixed reaction to perry, probably more bad that good. I actually like Grande & that's what got me into the game in the first place, but I'm not as hot about her.
I would have been really interested if the event boss had something related to TSwift though... instead of this random dragon. At least that would have been meta enough for a laugh.
And look at that, Lulu is in the next 7* batch!
How great of timing is that?
Looks like she'll be a useful mp battery now.

In other news... mainty on TUES now??!!
Wow. I still have Tidus, Lightning (idc), and another can't think of for 7*. Honestly I think I'll wait on Lulu.

Yeah I was shocked last night too. Hope get great comp though.
You're so lucky you have Basch. I would love a mag/phys tank. I wonder if chow will work? I might use my select ticket on him then.

Had some cactaurs to spare from Akedemia so I figured I'd 7* katy for shits & giggles.
Now I'm wondering if she's a legit replacement for Garnet...
Once Basch becomes 7* he will be my lead for a while. I have enough Def equips
I wonder if those units will change? There's a pretty long time to decide.
Depending on his 7* I might go with Chow if I don't get Basch.

So I had cactaurs from akedemia and L120 Katy for fun. I figure she must be a an upgrade from Garnet.
I am so n9t a fan of this event... and it's a real nrg sucker.

I'm not sure what I want to do with that free unit :/

And only getting a few materials per round. It's definitely a whore move to try to cash in on her fanbase.

Anything new on your end?
Yeah, the mats from the perry thing are slow. They calculated it takes about 30 ELT runs to be able to craft just 1 of each item. We have to do 3/day for the dailies anyways so it's not too big of a deal. I got the dress & mic so far. I don't know if ti's worth making extras for anyone else. I got Katy to Lv120 & her STMR (my first one!). She should be helpful for those "kill with esper" missions.

I got a rainbow from a blue EX ticket. I should be super happy but it was Fohlen. I don't know what to do with him.
Fohlen seems like backburner 7*

I am using mine for 5%tmr boosts.

I'm not wasting anymore on this event. I received all the lapis. I'll farm crysts now.