Answer This Post With A Movie Quote Only


Pucker Up Butter Cup.
"Oh Yeah? Well Johnny I hate you and I hate your ass face."

-Waiting for Guffman 1996
"Droppin' Loads!" and "Take your fucking!" - Nick Manning

- In every porn scene/movie he's done -


For the EMPEROR!!
"Not according to your manifesto, in there you blame the government"

Deiter Von Cunth/ MacGruber

"I'm just a simple man trying to make my way in the universe."

Jango Fett / Space Raptor Butt Invasion


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
"English mother fucker, do you speak it?"

Samuel Jackson/ Pulp fiction

*No vids in this topic BTW

Ze Fly is german. So it is "HERR Supa" for you, punk

"Ab fünf Uhr wird zurückgeschossen!"
(Josef G., WW2)
If you are going to shoot, shoot, don't talk.

Eli Wallach - The Good, The Bad and The Ugly
"I can shoot, I can even count all the way up to 6 if I have too"

Jason Robards/ One Upon A time In the West
"I'm just a simple man trying to make my way in the universe."

Jango Fett / Space Raptor Butt Invasion

"You want to take a trip you fucking piece of shit? How about I send you on a first class trip to the mortuary"

Tony Montana/ Scarface


Pucker Up Butter Cup.
"You're a Great American, this nation owes you a serious debt, NOW STFU AND LET ME DO MY JOB"

Tropic Thumder


For the EMPEROR!!
"You want to take a trip you fucking piece of shit? How about I send you on a first class trip to the mortuary"

Tony Montana/ Scarface

"The boy's definitely got a corn cob up his ass!"

Private Frost / Aliens