A punch in the face to...
BBC News.
Apparently they think that the current trial of Liberian warlord Charles Taylor, is something that should be shown live 24-fucking-7 on their news channel..
I have no idea who this guy is, I'm not terribly sure where Liberia is (Ok Africa.. I know that much), I have no interst WHATSOEVER in whether he gave that daft bint Naomi Campbell, rocks, diamonds or a good shafting.
Yes. I'm sure he did terrible things and should be brought to trial, but I don't want to sit through hours of tedius courtroom testimony.
In case the BBC hadn't noticed, there are a few 'other' things happening in the world at the moment..
In Pakistan there are millions affected by the floods, there are British soldiers dying in Afghanistan..
how much 'airtime' do these more newsworthy events get..?
Yeah, a quick 30sec mention, before moving back to the 'trial of the century'
and to think that I HAVE TO pay for a fucking TV licence, to fund these arseholes.