What? I love you sweetie! :yesyes: I never responded to your last message did I? Sorry, love! I could've swore I replied. Missing out on going to the Super Bowl hurt really really BAD. :bawling: Worse, I was at the game and saw the whole thing. I cried my eyes out. I hate the Ravens, they hurt my poor Tommy Brady

I'd be so cold under that trenchcoat, baby. You'd definitely have to kiss me (and other things) to get me warm ... and then hot. :flame: After walking around in my shiny, black leather 7'' spikes, my stocking-covered feet would need your loving attention.

Start by caressing my toes, my arches, my heels, working up along the backseams of my silk thigh-highs. Ooooh, gotta stop right there! Getting myself all in the mood now. :angels:
Miss you! :kiss: