Über Jennifer White

Jennifer White ist eine Pornodarstellerin aus United States. Sie ist auf FreeOnes seit February 23rd 2009 and ist derzeit auf Platz #22. Sie hat derzeit 144 Fotogalerien und 328 Videos in ihrem eigenen FreeOnes Bereich. Unsere Daten zeigen, dass Jennifer White derzeit aktiv und dreht Filme, Live Show und/oder Fotoshootings.


15 Jahre

in the business


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Zu Imperial (in, lbs usw.) wechseln

zusätzliche Information

Jennifer entered the industry in 2009 at the age of 21 and has since admitted it was always a fantasy of hers to have sex on film. She has had huge success in the teen niche of the industry due to her young, fresh good looks but has performed in a variety of scenes including anal, lesbian, double penetration and solo. She has stated that she's a bit of a computer nerd and that if she was stranded on a desert island the three things she'd want with her are a vibrator, matches and a tent.

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