Über Grace Jones

Grace Jones ist eine Schauspielerin aus Jamaica. Sie ist auf FreeOnes seit May 26th 2001 and ist derzeit auf Platz #34106. Unsere Daten zeigen, dass Grace Jones derzeit aktiv und dreht Filme, Live Show und/oder Fotoshootings.

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Grace emerged into the public eye during the late '70s. She studied theater at Syracuse University before launching a career as a model. Grace's statuesque and flamboyant look proved to be a hit in the New York City nightclub scene, which led to a recording contract with Island Records in 1977. With disco based albums such as Portfolio (1977), Fame (1978) and Muse (1979), failed to break Grace commercially. She would soon gain the following of gay men with her sexually charged live show, earning her the title at the time of "Queen of the Gay Discos". Grace also landed roles in Conan The Destroyer, A View to a Kill and Boomerang to name a few.

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