Exclusive interview with Southern Brooke

September 28, 2009, by admin-fx

Southern BrookeSouthern Brooke gives an exclusive interview to FreeOnes where she answers some very interesting questions about what it’s like for her working in the adult industry…

What led you into the adult business? 
I googled teen modeling and found a girl named Anastasia that had her own site and instantly.. I wanted to do it! So… on my 18th birthday I launched my 1st site.

Did you do anything before this? If so, what? 
I used to be a Hooters girl and I also worked at a local club as a shot girl. Boobie shots were my specialty J

If you had the opportunity to go back and erase this part of your history, would you? 
Nope. You learn from everything you go through so theres meaning to it all.

Are you open about your profession, or are there people you rather not know? 
I am from a small town so pretty much everybody knows what I do. I love my job and im not ashamed that I show my body off so they either deal with it or they don’t get the pleasure of having me in their life.

How long do you plan on staying in this business? Do you have any plans for when you retire? 
I plan on keeping my site until Im not having fun with it anymore. I think you can tell when girls are over it. Thier material starts to look boring and they just aren’t into it anymore. Right now I’m having a blast so no time soon. After I retire? Id love to do photography. If that didn’t work out Ill probably do book keeping … im a good lil office worker.

Have there been any funny moments while you were working that you’d like to share with us? 
Theres always something entertaining at my shoots. Some of the time it gets caught on film and put in the outtakes section.

Has anything embarrassing happened to you while you’re working? 
Well… I’ve fallen off the bed during camshows and silly stuff like that. Im kinda a clutz.

Do you have any plans of trying anything else within the adult industry? 
Im pretty happy where I am. I do like to push the limits tho. Who knows whats next!

Have you ever gotten any strange requests from a director, photographer, or a fan? Did you do it? 
I have gotten LOTS of crazy requests. Some of them are funny and some are just gross! I like to roleplay and stuff like that so I’ve done it in custom videos for fans but theres some things im just not into.

What was the first porn magazine or video that you ever watched? 
I pretty much collect playboys. I have probably 40+ mags. I also like hustler and penthouse. As for videos… I don’t own any… I watch all my porn online J

Do you remember your first kiss? 
Yep. I was at a friends birthday party and I went to the bathroom at the same time this guy was walking outa the room. Once he turned the corner, we got flirty and ended up making out by the bathrooms for like 10 mins.

Where was the last place you went to on vacation?  
I just got home last week from Panama City Beach. It was horrible! It rained the entire time I was there. No sun, no shopping. Looooots of drinking tho! Needless to say… I needed some r&r after my vaca.

What do you wear to bed? 
Usually a mans tshirt and a thong. If its cold outside I sleep in socks. My feet are always cold.

Exercising.  Love it or hate it? 
Lately I love it. I used to be a workout fanatic and just got so busy. Since biggest loser has started, I’ve been back to working out regularly.

What are your hobbies, if any? 
Anything outdoors! I love to hunt and fish (im southern- remember!?), love to lay out and swim. I like to water ski and snow ski. And ofcourse… shop! It’s a hobbie- right?

What would you do if you suddenly couldn’t connect to the internet anymore? 
Well during hurricane Katrina, I didn’t have any net for like 3 weeks… it was horrible ! No power, net, cell phones, nothing! When you grow up with all this technology and then just have it all taken away, its impossible to live!

If you won a million dollars, but couldn’t spend it on yourself, what would  you do with it? 
I would give it to someone who would want to spend it on me! Haha! Okay no I would donate to diabetes research and breast cancer. Those are the 2 that have affected my family and millions of others.

What kind of things annoy you the most? 
Bad breath, snacking on food or gum, cocky people, dirty houses, ignorance.

Which is better? Chocolate or great sex? 
Are they supposed to be comparable? That’s ridiculous. Sex ofcourse!

Is there anything else you would like the FreeOnes visitors to know about you? 
That I appreciate all the support! You guys are awesome and you are what makes it fun for me. Oh and duh… check out my site…  J

Click here to visit the official Southern Brooke website!

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