Exclusive interview with Saffron Taylor

August 10, 2009, by admin-fx

Saffron TaylorSaffron Taylor gives an exclusive interview to Freeones where she answers some very interesting questions about what it’s like for her working in the adult industry…

What led you into the modelling business?
I first uploaded a few photos to a myspace back back in 2007, from there I got many modelling opportunities, so much that I decided to make a go of this full time.

Did you do anything before this? If so, what?
Yes, I was a qualified graphic and web designer, infact I still am today, as I do all my own graphics and I am my own webmaster. It has all gone hand in hand with my modelling career.

If you had the opportunity to go back and erase this part of your history, would you?
No, I am very proud of what I have achieved so far.

Are you open about your profession, or are there people you would rather not know?
I am fairly open about it, plus people are always really interested and think I have the ultimate glamorous job.

How long do you plan on staying in this business? Do you have any plans for when you retire?
As long as I can, but yes there will be a day when I will have to retire but until then I am going to have as much fun as possible being a model.

Have there been any funny moments while you were working that you’d like to share with us?
Well I have only been modelling three years, but there was a time when I was on a photo shoot and didnt realise that there were a bunch of window cleaners having a great view of me topless.

Has anything embarrassing happened to you while you’re working?
Not yet!

Do you have any plans for trying anything else within the adult industry?
At the moment, I am quite happy doing what I am doing. If I get any ideas, you guys will be the first to know;)

Have you ever gotten any strange requests from a director, photographer, or a fan? Did you do it?
Oh yes, I get lots of strange requests from fans for custom videos, photoshoots etc. Most of them are doable though.

Do you remember your first kiss?
Of course, what girl doens’t:)

Where was the last place you went to on vacation?
I visited the greek island of Corfu.

What do you wear to bed?
As Marylin Monroe once said “nothing but my Chanel No.5”, or I should say “my Coco Chanel”

Exercising. Love it or hate it?
Love it! I am a total gym addict, which is very worthwhile in this industry

What are your hobbies, if any?
Working out, computing (yes I am a nerd in disguise), astronomy and learning new things. I also spend a lot of my spare time with family and friends, it’s important to make time for this.

What would you do if you suddenly couldn’t connect to the internet anymore?
Omg! I have no idea, the internet is my business. I suppose I would have to run to my neighbours house, begging to use their internet connection.

If you won a million dollars, but couldn’t spend it on yourself, what would you do with it?
I would ensure my family are sorted financially, then donate to animal charities that are desperate for funding.

What kind of things annoy you the most?
Selfish, arrogant people who are full of their own ego.

Which is better? Chocolate or great sex?
Hmm what do you think?  I’m not a chocolate type really.

Is there anything else you would like the FreeOnes visitors to know about you?
You can see more of me including my uncensored photos and videos, along with all my sexy girlfriends at my official website, www.saffrontaylor.com see you guys there!

Click here to visit the official Saffron Taylor website!

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