
Ultimate Shemale Fantasies #2

Released at: July 15, 2013 by The Shemale Zone
What exactly is a fantasy? What does it mean to have a fantasy and how does one go about achieving it, bringing it to fruition? Is a fantasy something ethereal, that which can never be accomplished? Or is it something much, much more? Ultimate Shemale Fantasies explores just that and achieves the ultimate fantasy, over and over again!

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Scene1: 00:00:40 - 00:20:10 (19:30)

Scene2: 00:20:12 - 00:40:00 (19:48)

Scene3: 00:40:01 - 00:59:59 (19:58)

Scene4: 01:00:01 - 01:20:12 (20:11)