
Storie Di Ordinaria Follia

Released at: December 31, 2009 by Showtime
"Storie Di Odinaria Follia" stars Ursula Cavalcanti, Nikki Anderson, Deborah Wells, Marzia Lippi, Cinzia Rosi, and Reka! You'll enjoy the everything in this feature; from the Italian accents all the way to the buxom beauty who take it up in every hole imaginable! Gotta love it!

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Scene1: 00:01:43 - 00:19:07 (17:24)

Scene2: 00:19:07 - 00:29:34 (10:27)

Scene3: 00:29:34 - 00:40:50 (11:16)

Scene4: 00:40:50 - 00:54:32 (13:42)

Scene5: 00:54:32 - 01:09:05 (14:33)

Scene6: 01:09:05 - 01:18:38 (9:33)