Something to Cry About

Released at: March 21, 2008 by Uniform Discipline
It is Fiona's last day at school, she has been told to attend in full uniform, but decides to disobey her father and wear the summer one! That is just the start of it! The girl is spanked and hair brushed, but when her fathers lady friend arrives she is humiliated by being caned by both of them!

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Scene1: 00:00:11 - 00:11:00 (10:49)

Scene2: 00:11:02 - 00:21:55 (10:53)

Scene3: 00:21:56 - 00:30:03 (8:07)

Scene4: 00:30:06 - 00:42:31 (12:25)

Scene5: 00:42:31 - 00:50:12 (7:41)

Scene6: 00:50:18 - 01:03:20 (13:02)