Princess Kali - Smoke Slave

Released at: June 18, 2007 by Princess Kali
Princess Kali's human ashtray gets more than he bargained for, as he becomes a smoke slave for his dominating Mistress. Wisps and clouds of smoke fill Her dungeon and the slave is relentlessly teased, teased and scorched with several seductive cigarettes, his nipples, chest and abdomen burned and his damp tongue used as an ashtray. In addition to breathing in Her second-hand smoke, a gas mask and a cage facilitates his compelled smoke inhalation - all for the amusement and pleasure of The Princess!

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Scene1: 00:00:11 - 00:12:13 (12:02)

Scene2: 00:12:13 - 00:32:12 (19:59)

Scene3: 00:32:12 - 00:37:57 (5:45)

Scene4: 00:37:57 - 00:41:39 (3:42)