Newgate Tail

Released at: August 21, 2008 by Miss Marchmont
**A Newgate Tail** A young girl is sent to the infamous Newgate Prison in Victorian London. Her hair is cropped and she is thrown into a cell in heavy prison irons and a ball & chain to await her welcome caning - 18 of the best with the prison cane. She screams and begs under the rod but to no avail - the strokes are laid on regardless. **The Way of a Man with a Maid - Period Scenario, 1 Male Dom, 1 Girl** A young lady is taken off the street by a rich and nasty landowner. In payment for her meager lodgings she must work as his maid under the most extreme conditions. She endures naked humiliation and harsh corporal punishment which includes spanking, face slapping and thrashing with the riding crop on both her beautiful bottom and her back. A film for those who enjoy humiliation fantasies

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Scene1: 00:00:36 - 00:08:35 (7:59)

Scene2: 00:08:36 - 00:13:33 (4:57)

Scene3: 00:14:10 - 00:19:27 (5:17)

Scene4: 00:19:28 - 00:27:07 (7:39)

Scene5: 00:27:08 - 00:35:02 (7:54)

Scene6: 00:35:03 - 00:44:20 (9:17)