My Dad's A Transsexual 4

Released at: November 29, 2013 by White Ghetto
I came home from college and was greeted at the door by a hot looking older woman. It took me few seconds to realize it was actually my dad! Gone is the macho gruff guy, and in his place is a hot chick with big tits and a nice fat ass. Seems dad's been busy while I was away on vacation. Jesus!

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Scene1: 00:01:45 - 00:31:44 (29:59)

Scene2: 00:31:46 - 01:02:40 (30:54)

Scene3: 01:02:42 - 01:42:38 (39:56)

Scene4: 01:42:40 - 02:13:38 (30:58)