
Released at: August 9, 2007 by Absurdum Productions
In the flick, a pretty girl shaves her pussy so it's bare and then proceeds tie herself up eventually whipping herself. After having enough of that, she settles into a full coverage black VC number with red accent bra and panty like combo. She is then whipped until the end. If you don't watch this, you'll be whipping yourself!

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Scene1: 00:00:14 - 00:05:59 (5:45)

Scene2: 00:06:00 - 00:21:12 (15:12)

Scene3: 00:21:13 - 00:31:34 (10:21)

Scene4: 00:31:35 - 01:00:36 (29:01)

Scene5: 01:00:37 - 01:19:29 (18:52)