Hairy Japanese Pussies 2

Released at: April 13, 2011 by Maiko Pictures
Unshaved pussies in five amazing scenes, loaded with the best, action you'll see in a movie! Saki Mitsui, Mina Takasaki, Shiori Shimizu, Jun Matsubara and Yuma Yoneyama show you their very hairy snatch, and also how wet it gets. They may seem coy and shy, but the reality of the situation is that they're definitely not as innocent as they'd want you to think! Find out just how deep their "Rabbit Hole" goes!

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Scene1: 00:00:46 - 00:50:29 (49:43)

Scene2: 00:50:30 - 01:45:32 (55:02)

Scene3: 01:45:33 - 02:43:38 (58:05)

Scene4: 02:43:39 - 03:31:45 (48:06)

Scene5: 03:31:46 - 04:24:00 (52:14)