
Charity Event For Taylor Summers And Shannon Getsit

Released at: October 4, 2007 by Studio B Entertainment
The ladies that participated and donated their time we thank you. We will be donating 100% of the profits of the DVD to the families of two adult actresses who have had their careers cut short by tragic circumstances. Adult film actress Taylor Summers disappeared after a photo shoot in Conshohocken, Pennsylvania, on February 29th. Her body was discovered by authorities three weeks later in nearby Whitemarsh Township. Shannon, a beautiful young woman just getting started in the business, suffered an epileptic seizure while cooking, catching her sweater on fire. Shannon was badly burned on over 40% of her body. By the time she was found and rushed to the hospital, her medical bills have gone up to $750,000. Her family is in dire need of help to cover the costs of Shannon's treatment.

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Scene1: 00:01:23 - 00:16:35 (15:12)

Scene2: 00:16:35 - 00:29:00 (12:25)

Scene3: 00:29:00 - 00:56:15 (27:15)

Scene4: 00:56:15 - 01:16:53 (20:38)

Scene5: 01:16:53 - 01:29:03 (12:10)