Let us be honest here, Strict Miss.com was not made in order to win awards - no, this website was made in order to bring the raunchiest femdom action straight to those who enjoy that particular niche of porn. And, it does exactly that. With hot mistresses who just know how to 'punish' guys, whether they deserve punishment or just want it, as well as videos that count in hundreds, there is really a lot for you to experience on this femdom fetish website. While it is by no means perfect as a site, Strict Miss.com delivers a certain type of content to its users and it truly excels at what it does.
At the time of the writing of this review, there are 675 video clips available on this website. With most of them being in HD resolution of one form or another, and the majority of them being in 1080p resolution, when it comes to the visual quality of the content, this site has got you covered. Same goes for the contextual quality of the content as you will find some rather hot fetish vids on here. Now, one of the drawbacks of this site is the fact that you cannot stream the videos, only download them. Another drawback is the fact that there aren't any images on here whatsoever.
Speaking of drawbacks, I really have to say that the design of this website was a bit offputting for me. It just seemed way too much like it came from 2006. Plus, the navigation is not that good as the videos are not simply listed on the site. Instead, they are sorted by models and by categories. Also, the previews of the videos are basically screenshots. These are in landscape mode and they look really small, which, in turn, means that you can hardly discern what is the video about. Oh, yeah, and some of the videos are not exclusive. If you can get over all of these things, then you will most certainly enjoy yourself on this site.
Amount of content: 675 videos
Update frequency: Weekly
Exclusive content: Semi-exclusive
Max video resolution: 1920x1080 (Full HD)
Video types: flash & mp4
Photo resolution: N/A
Available for mobile: Yes