Hentai Heroes Review
Hentai Heroes was a good game for me to try / start going into a long weekend. It will take up quite a bit of time to work your way through the adventure / acquire new harem girls / level them up / enter contests for money or inventory items / and complete missions for money / Koban / experience / gems
When you first access the site, you'll complete a "mission." With the game being resource-management based, "all you do" is click on a Next button in the lower-right hand corner. After completing your initial mission, then you'll be brought to The Town overlay. The initial mission (including the completion screen!) has some good anime; I took at least two screen-shots. Oh -- one thing I didn't realize for at least a week: on game-play screens, in the lower center of the screen is an .. open plus-sign, and an eyeball. If you click on the eyeball, the top of the screen showing game information is "hidden." If you click on the open plus-sign, the image displayed goes to full screen.
The Town overlay is user-friendly / easy to use. Adventure takes you to where you left off in the campaign / story. If you click on Adventure itself, it will take you to the "world" map, showing you all of the Towns, and how far along you are in the campaign. As you complete a Mission within the Town, a status bar will be displayed. This will give you an idea of how far along you are / if you want to use Kobans for breaths to finish it up, if you are close. Also, in the lower-right hand corner of each Town's map, is the evil character for that Town. You can Challenge him / her to battles. Each Challenge uses one of your units of Energy. Be wary, some Missions include battles within them. So, always keep one or two handy. NOTE: after a game-determined number of battles and wins, you will add a new Harem Girl
Next to the word Adventure is a greater-than sign with a vertical bar. This will take you specifically to where your Hero last left off. There is also what looks like an old ivory scroll icon. This will take you to "side quests." I tried one, and it burned through my breath and Koban to replenish them.. I'd avoid these and just stick with the campaign.
Harem will take you to a screen where you can view the capabilities and earning power of each girl. Harem girls earn you multiples of their value per segment of time, as they are leveled up with Affection points. They can also be leveled up in .. intelligence via Experience points. However, not only do you need to buy Gifts (for Affection points) or Books (for Experience points) -- once the girl is leveled up, you then need to finance the finalization of her leveling up with available money. This is for Affection. And, each time a girl is leveled up, the more expensive it is to finalize her. Each harem girl's "earning power" is shown on the right margin, towards the middle of the screen. Be wary of this; not all girls earn the same. Some are quite low. For Experience, the harem girls level up .. "independently" -- up to Level 250. At that point, she will be deemed "Awakened." For the transformation, gems will be needed. The type / color of gem will vary. You can see how many of each color you've earned on the Town screen, in the green backpack in the upper-right of the screen.
Activities has a menu for: daily goals, missions, and contests. For every two daily goals you accomplish, you'll earn random rewards. For each mission, what you earn can vary. My initial ones were money. The following day were Koban. And, ever since, it is a combination of Hero experience points, and gems. If you accomplish all of them within a 24-hour period, you will be awarded a bonus of 150 Koban. Contests are like the others, from the Town screen. You and your Harem will be displayed, with their attributes and total power level. Three other players' Heroes and their levels, and their Harem power will be displayed. You can challenge one of the three, and what you can win is displayed abve the Challenge box.
Leagues is a Leaderboard (where you can also initiate a challenge / battle).
Market is where you can buy gifts and books for your harem members. You can also buy Equipment for your Hero, or Boosters. There will be nine items available for purchase under each type of Inventory. Each Market Menu refreshes every six hours. Or, you can pay 42 Koban to refresh the items real-time. Oh; you can also Sell items (perhaps you won something you don't need). But -- when you do, you only earn 10 cents on the dollar!
Pachinko is kind of like a slot machine. Each time you play, you'll earn an Inventory Item, possibly also including Equipment for your Hero, or a Booster. If you play a 10x "chance," you also have a chance to earn another harem girl. Sex God Path is a contest that uses oil, and you can win either "regular" inventory items, or "god like" ones, with significant Experience or Affection points
At the top of the screen is ALWAYS displayed your level; the number of breaths you have (and your max), the number of energy units you have (and your max), and the number of Koban you have. You refresh a breath every 7.5 minutes. As your Hero "levels up," you also earn 10 breaths per level. You refresh an energy point every 30 minutes. Once you enable Sex God Path, you refresh oil every 2.5 hours. All of these occur whether you are on-line and "in the game," or not. (Same thing with the countdown for your Harem Girls' earnings.)
A Koban is an oval-shaped Japanese gold coin. They can be used to "buy" more breaths or energy. Or, speed things along (e.g., refresh market items, perform 10 challenges in the time span of just one, etc.). Koban once used, are difficult to acquire. You can earn them by clicking through on various solicitations that appear PER DAY / 24-hour period in the upper-right hand corner of the Town screen. You can also earn 150 Koban by completing all of the Missions (under Activities) for the day / 24-hour period
Additionally, there is a green backpack. This will display all of your resources -- also including gems and other items you earn through Challenges. (Gems will be used later, to "Awaken" your harem girls after they accumulate 250 levels of Experience.) Next to that are three stars, increasing in size from the top of the icon to the bottom. This will show you the Blessings for the day. Various Hero or harem girl attributes will receive bonuses each day; they rotate / cycle. Lastly, the icon with three horizontal bars is a Main Menu. Basically this mimics the Town layout, but just with text on a solid-color background
And .. I suppose here is a good time to comment on this "free" game. Completing the game can test the player's patience. Once you use your resources, if you want to continue playing, if you click on the "+" sign by the Koban, it will bring you to a screen where you can purchase them (and other resources) for ACTUAL CASH. You can make one-time purchases, one that will last a month - and give you resources each day, etc.
Additionally, on the Town screen, on the right will be a Treasure Chest. This will be another link to purchase Koban combined with other resources. The circle indicates the number of options (!) available to you. Lastly, in the lower-right of the screen will be what looks like a target on a tablet. This will also take you to a screen where you purchase Koban combined with other resources, via a monthly subscription (get resources on a daily basis for the month).
Also: Hentai Heroes is a Kinkoid developed game. The solicitations mentioned most of the time will take you to other Kinkoid harem-style games. You can use your Hentai Heroes log-on for these other sites. BUT, each one "stands alone." You can't .. siphon resources from one game to use in a different one.
The navigation is straight-forward. Although I didn't realize at first that the daily solicitations were ONLY viewable / offered via The Town view. Each time you log-on within a 24-hour period, you'll be shown a box with "daily news." You'll click-thru / close this by clicking in the upper-right hand corner, and it will bring you to another news page consisting of a 2-row by 3-box additional window. You can view other recent news items, here. The "news summary" can also be accessed from The Town screen, in the lower-right hand corner, via what looks like a mailbox. Don't "dismiss" these; at least a couple of my screen-shots were of the news anime
In the lower-center of the Town screen are two icons: an eye, and a pencil. The eye will toggle on-and-off whether you want a Harem Girl displayed on the Town screen. The pencil will enable you to cycle through your Harem Girls, and the avatar associated with their levels. You then hit the Validate button when you are happy with your selection. NOTE: as you level-up your Harem girl, more clothes come off with each level.
There are some things I didn't like. One is when you level-up your Harem Girls. I made the mistake of using a lot of Experience on a Harem Girl before I realized she was a low earner. The game ONLY allows you to "Unequip All." I believe that will remove ALL Experience and Affection for every Harem Girl. You should have the option of unequipping one girl. Maybe limit that ability to once per week
Also, for quite a long time I didn't realize that you not only need to buy Equipment and Boosters for your Hero -- but, you also then need to use the horizontal menu bar to select which ones in Inventory you will use. One nice feature is if you have .. "competing" items in Inventory, the game / system will display in green (better) or red (worse) font what the impact will be on the Hero, if you make the change. Same thing if you're considering buying something from the Market
Additionally, there are no instructions on how to .. set your Team, for Challenges. After some trial-and-error, I believe players will want to: 1) have your highest powered girl in the center, and then 2) "fill out" your team from 10:30 through 7:30, around the outside. Again, use your next highest power girl in descending order as you fill it out. Make sure to hit the Validate button on the bottom, so the game saves your edited Team.
Lastly, after playing the game for a short period of time, one of the Daily Goals will be to "Awaken" a Harem Girl. This takes A LOT of game cash and Books to get the Experience Level up to 250. Only to realize that you then need a certain number of gems of a certain color, to finalize her "Awakening." That shouldn't be a daily goal until you have at least enough quantity of one color gem to even perform the Awakening.
There is no User Guide, nor instructions / FAQ, etc. I did some searches on-line when I had things I was curious about. In most cases, the first link that came up was a Kinkoid Forum. I tried -- TWICE -- to register for the Forum Board to get access, but I was not successful.
Playing Hentai Heroes was free, so yes, I was "happy with my purchase." I liked the artist who drew the anime. Very varied in the scenes depicted. I was not expecting to see a bukkake session with a Princess who couldn't have enough cock! Similarly, a Ship Captain who, for payment, sought her passengers to give her pleasure. A nice three-breasted woman call-out to "Total Recall" in a laboratory. Multiple orgy scenes, etc.
Although - considering in the opening mission, the female lead character slid down a banister and left a trail of drool because she was commando under her skirt -- I should have realized the artwork wouldn't be tame. The artwork is good throughout. So, keep an eye on daily news updates and intermediate screens while you are leveling up your harem girls, etc.
Oh, speaking of leveling up your harem girls -- you do this for their .. intelligence by buying books to increase their Experience. You also increase their Affection by buying gifts. The girls have varying levels that they can be leveled up to regarding Affection. But, each time you do, their avatar in the Harem screen ditches more and more clothing.
Probably the biggest dislike is there are NO instructions nor available FAQ. So, I had to stumble through things, including even some of the most basic options / features. Also, under Activities / Daily Goals, there are goals that are frankly not possible to accomplish sometimes.