Country Cousins

Lançado em: 9 de novembro de 2014 por California Star Productions
Victor and Diedre walk in on a scene of utter mayhem: He orders Liz and Rebecca to go wait in the hall. He would be dealing with them both in due course. Diedre stands trembling in trepidation. Victor pulls a long ominous tawse from his belt. "I had hoped that we would be spending the pleasant afternoon together." He tested the tawse in his hand. "But now it is obvious that the situation calls for sterner methods. Get your clothes off at once, woman!" From here on in words defy description. Suffice to say that Diedre learns a lesson of a lifetime, which is then followed by the extreme chastisement of the errant cousin. Victor is no novice when it comes to dishing out punishment.

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2 visualizações
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Cena1: 00:00:01 - 00:10:26 (10:25)



Cena2: 00:10:27 - 00:26:47 (16:20)


Liz, Victor

Cena3: 00:26:48 - 00:30:46 (3:58)


Liz, Victor

Cena4: 00:30:47 - 00:51:39 (20:52)


Liz, Rebecca, Victor, Deidre

Cena5: 00:51:40 - 01:00:12 (8:32)