Revealed: Your Porn Browsing History?
A prominent software engineer has warned that your internet porn industry could just be two steps away from being published for the world to see, according to The Metro.
In a story that has no interest beyond one point I’m going to make in a minute, Brett Thomas claims that only two data breaches would be needed for your browsing habits to be published for all to see.
I would like to point out to those of you who don’t live in the UK that this website is the online arm of a free newspaper you only find on buses and trains here in the UK, and can normally be seen at other times lining the bottoms of cages for rabbits and guinea pigs.
And you can probably see now why that is the best use for it. It’s a total non-story. Yes, data breaches might happen. They WILL happen. But you know what? This story is porn panic bullshit. Keep on porning! You’ll be fine, we promise you.
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