Working It Out

Uitgebracht om: 1 maart 2008 bij Tyler Labs (Beth Tyler)
Beth and Amber are working out in their exercise room but Amber just can't keep up the pace. Beth asks her what's wrong and Amber complains of getting cramps. Beth knows just what she needs: the good old enema cure! To make sure that Amber doesn't leak anything on the floor, she slides Amber's well lubricated anus over a pot as her opening is twitching in anticipation. Amber has to take the entire bag before expelling it into a bedpan. When Amber finally finishes expelling, Beth uses the bedpan to pee into!!!

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2 dagen streaming verhuur
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Scene1: 00:00:25 - 00:09:20 (8:55)

Scene2: 00:09:20 - 00:26:57 (17:37)

Scene3: 00:26:57 - 00:28:35 (1:38)