Shemale Sandwich 5

Uitgebracht om: 21 juni 2008 bij Magnus
Our wildly popular shemale series SHEMALE SANDWICH returns with its fifth installment that proves two shemales are better than one! For over 100 minutes of mayhem, 5 lucky guys have the time of their lives juggling 2 shemales and doing whatever they can think up! All hardcore three-way scenes! Just when you thought our guys couldn't get any luckier, we found 10 sizzling hot shemales to keep them busy! With 2 shemales in every scene, SHEMALE SANDWICH will most definitely please all the tranny fans out there. If your looking for double d's tits and hard cocks, this is the video for you. Two horny shemales are waiting for you...we know you wouldn't want to miss the chance to double your pleasure!

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Scene1: 00:00:38 - 00:20:18 (19:40)

Scene2: 00:20:19 - 00:39:28 (19:09)

Scene3: 00:39:29 - 00:59:46 (20:17)

Scene4: 00:59:47 - 01:20:00 (20:13)

Scene5: 01:20:01 - 01:49:20 (29:19)