
Nina Hartley's Guide to Oral Sex / Nina Harley's Advanced Guide to Oral Sex (2 Pack)

Uitgebracht om: 4 mei 2007 bij Adam & Eve
Hall of Fame superstar Nina Hartley teaches you everything you need to know about orally pleasing your partner in this revolutionary new how-to video. In graphic detail, Nina explains and demonstrates various techniques, gives her own personal insights on arousing your partner, and shares her years of experience. Celebrating a decade of erotic performing, Nina lovingly wrote and directed this video for every one of you interested in expanding your sexual horizon and pleasing your partner! So you've learned the basics? Now take your oral lovemaking a step further with sex superstar Nina Hartley! From the delicious "tricks of the trade" To the unparalleled "tried-and-true," Nina presents the best-kept secrets of cunnilingus and fellatio for you with easy, step-by-step instructions sure to get results.

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