Trainer's Dream, The

Rilasciato a: 8 giugno 2010 per Kshara Productions
During the practices the trainer has some kinky thoughts. 2 beautiful shaking asses give the impressions for him. Scene 1: After a short warm-up the trainer comes onto the scene and ask the girls to start the first exercise: goose-running with high knees! The shaking asses take the trainer to another space where the dreams come true - Bounded girls get extreme caning in his mind. Scene 2: "Tug of war" - the beauties grabbed the rope and started to pull it and the trainer started his extreme thoughts about whipping their tits. Scene 3: "Arm Wrestling" - look at these two pussies and how they strain and look at the man who is in another space where he continues the whipping on their asses and backs. Scene 4: "Press-Up in 4 steps" - the hardest part for the girls and the hardest thoughts in the trainer's mind: he ties up the girls' arms and gives single tail whipping and cropping to their whole beautifull bodies.

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3 visualizzazioni
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Scena1: 00:00:19 - 00:11:29 (11:10)

Scena2: 00:11:29 - 00:20:16 (8:47)

Scena3: 00:20:16 - 00:29:00 (8:44)

Scena4: 00:29:00 - 00:39:58 (10:58)