Holland - Huur Achterstand

Rilasciato a: 27 maggio 2006 per Shots Video
100% Amateur video from the Netherlands! In this edition of the Holland series, a woman has not paid her rent in months. The landlord's boy, Jaap, comes to the apartment to take care of business and collect. Since her husband is not home and she has no money at all, they find another way that she can pay up! And Jaap certainly gets paid in full!

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4 visualizzazioni
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Scena1: 00:00:01 - 00:07:07 (7:06)

Scena2: 00:07:08 - 00:22:09 (15:01)

Scena3: 00:22:10 - 00:44:17 (22:07)

Scena4: 00:44:18 - 00:58:40 (14:22)