CPR Assists Two

Rilasciato a: 11 novembre 2008 per PornForThePeople
Chelsea is instructioned how to properly administer CPR and is demonstrating using Tyler's body. Next, Chelsea is a victim in a pool drowning and Tyler rescues her, performing specific CPR. Vanilla is preparing for work, Vanilla stars having sharp chest pains during her after work workout but came home instead of getting it checked out...Getting more concerned, she starts having pains again, the worse they get, the pain turns to pressure and moves throughout her chest. Eventually she gets a call a major client left the office because she was late-- she has a massive heart attack and her roommate walks in to find her and perform CPR with her topless. Tyler walks in to find Becky lying on her stomach; she rolls her over and with her mouth agape throughout the video as CPR is performed ... after pulse is checked. She has pulse but isn't breathing at first and then a few blows, watching her chest rise - placing an ear to chest to realize she has no pulse, mentioning it out loud. Tyler pulls her top down and makes a fist to thump Becky's chest hard enough her body moves.... Alissa is a stressed out real estate agent showing a nurse a home. During the appointment, Alissa has a full blown heart attack and Tyler is there to provide CPR. Christy is over-stressed and has a heart attack while working in the office. Tyler is there to perform CPR. Nicole is a stressed out business woman working in her office when a phone call sets her off into a full blown cardiac arrest right there in the office as she was about to light a cigarette. Her symptoms come on slowly, focusing on her arm, chest and lack of breath as she goes down. Tyler enters the office and immediately begins resuscitation - 2 breaths to 5 chest compressions.

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21 visualizzazioni
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Scena1: 00:00:00 - 00:15:40 (15:40)

Scena2: 00:15:45 - 00:24:22 (8:37)

Scena3: 00:24:26 - 00:33:21 (8:55)

Scena4: 00:33:28 - 00:45:22 (11:54)

Scena5: 00:45:39 - 00:55:32 (9:53)

Scena6: 00:55:51 - 01:10:39 (14:48)

Scena7: 01:10:45 - 01:26:33 (15:48)

Scena8: 01:26:40 - 01:37:10 (10:30)