Aria Squirts

Rilasciato a: 14 ottobre 2004 per Gentlemen's Video
Her exotic Portuguese beauty is fascinatingly addictive. Her dark brown eyes stare deep into your soul. You feel like she can almost strip the clothes right off you with those eyes. You know she'll suck every ounce of cum right out of you. There is no escaping! She's every bit a woman and fuck you if you don't know it. She opens her salty wet pussy, stretching her cunt lips to turn you on. You stroke her while she sucks on your throbbing love shaft, she bends over so you can enter her and then the quivering tremble starts. She vibrates and quivers with the anticipation of a rousing climax as you tickle her clit. She moans with pleasure, she trembles more and then, in a gush of warm, sweet liquid she explodes! Her wet love juice gushes from her flapping pussy lips... She's squirting with cum... you feel the warmth of her passion dripping off you... and you know she's ready for more!

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Scena1: 00:00:56 - 00:19:50 (18:54)

Scena2: 00:19:51 - 00:38:37 (18:46)

Scena3: 00:38:38 - 00:57:55 (19:17)