
Amber Aroused

Rilasciato a: 13 maggio 2005 per Caballero Home Video
Energized Love Affair! Ahhh yes! Recharge my energy storage units, baby! Oops! Hi there. See that female human lifeform in the picture? That's Amber, and I'm Woody, the non-human semi-lifeform. Boy, does Amber like to have her biological procreation urges stimulated! My boss inventor, Harvey Woodman, hired her as a domestic, but before we knew it she was blowing everyone's fuses. First, it was Harvey and his wife Mag, then the kinky next door neighbor... and then me! Wow, was I turned on! Amber is gone now, but I'll tell you I really overloaded my circuits, the last time I saw Amber Aroused.

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Scena1: 00:00:12 - 00:14:36 (14:24)

Scena2: 00:14:37 - 00:32:06 (17:29)

Scena3: 00:32:07 - 00:44:15 (12:08)

Scena4: 00:44:16 - 00:55:33 (11:17)

Scena5: 00:55:34 - 01:18:58 (23:24)