Unwanted Porn Infesting Smartphones

9 gennaio 2015, di Steve


As patrons of FreeOnes, you are probably quite ok when it comes to porn. But there are many people out there who are not, for one reason or another. There may be many of you who, despite liking porn, would rather not have it clogging up your smartphone.

KSHB Kansas City has published a worrying report about a scam that can see unauthorised porn downloaded to your phone and then will see scammers force you to pay them to remove it. The twist here is that they are the only ones who can remove it at this present time.

Needless to say, it’s always a good idea to make sure you’re not clicking any suspicious looking emails (you haven’t won the Nigerian lottery, don’t click it!) or downloading apps from any unapproved websites. (Valium) And, if you DO want a porn fix on your smartphone and fancy taking a peek at some Brooklyn Chase pics on your iPhone, remember you can always trust us!

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