Ron Jeremy Disputes Ric Flair “10,000 Women” Claim

3 octobre 2017, par Steve


Wrestling legend Nature Boy Ric Flair, who is recovering after a recent serious illness that left him close to death, has failed to convince a pretty notable name that his claims to have slept with over 10,000 women are genuine.

Ron Jeremy is a pretty knowledgeable guy on this subject after all. But he thinks that Flair, renowned for his jet-set lifestyle, which he played into his wrestling persona throughout his career, is telling porkies about how many women he slept with.

Jeremy claims, using maths, that it would be almost impossible for Flair to reach the total – and he’s got a point. And for a change, it’s not that kind.

During his heyday, Flair worked a six or seven day schedule with his wrestling career, and it’s unlikely that he would have had the stamina or just time to have slept with that many women.

But hey. He’s an old wrestler. Stop breaking kayfabe, Ron!

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