Why the fuck did lurkingdirk got banned ?

Why the fuck did lurkingdirk got banned ?
I've been looking to his lasts posts and I saw nothing thjat could justify his banishment ?


Cult Mother and Simpering Cunt
Because he wouldn't fuck Anders in the ass with lube.
Because he's a cock holster. I hope he's dead. :thumbsup:


Cult Mother and Simpering Cunt
I thought this went without saying but, band does not equal banned.

Get it together, Johan.

If english isn't your first language, I can see how the mistake was made. It's like the difference of spelen and spellen in dutch. The former is to play, the latter is to spell. :2cents:


Lord Dipstick
a :facepalm:-er fer sure.


Cult Mother and Simpering Cunt
Because he was defending the theory of evolution against Will and the admins sided with Will :tongue:

We only side with those that are happy to let Anders fuck them in the ass. :2cents:


Cult Mother and Simpering Cunt