Why Is Dept. Of Homeland Security Patrolling the Vegas Strip?


So, there's this reality, Cops-type show on TRU-TV called (appropriately enough) Vegas Strip. I'm forced to watch it 15 minutes at a time in the employee breakroom. Anyway, a few times now I've seen patrolmen from the "Dept. of Homeland Security Saturation Team". Now since we seem to have no shortage of rather timid members who feel they need DHS/TSA to protect their vulnerable li'l tushys, could one of them explain to me how rolling crackheads on Las Vegas Blvd. is keeping you safe from Al Queada?
man, first the gov't try to censor the internet, and before that feeding us with GMO foods, now the vegas strip (maybe they just want to get free sex since prostitution is legalized here...lol)? i am starting to believe the conspiracy theorists that martial law is soon approaching the US. I wish I can get out of here.
Financial operations are what keep terrorist organizations alive. Anyway Las Vegas is prolly pretty high on the target list for Anti-American groups


I am a failure to the Korean side of my family
I hear they are looking for the ultimate in an all you could eat seafood buffet.
Why Is Dept. Of Homeland Security Patrolling the Vegas Strip?
Prepping for the day when Obama gives the United Nations permission to be our masters?

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
man, first the gov't try to censor the internet, and before that feeding us with GMO foods, now the vegas strip (maybe they just want to get free sex since prostitution is legalized here...lol)? i am starting to believe the conspiracy theorists that martial law is soon approaching the US. I wish I can get out of here.

Prostitution is not legal in Las Vegas. It is in some of the more rural areas but not here.

It is Customs and Border Protection and ICE that is cruising around the whole city, not just the strip. I have seen them on Eastern and Bonanza and asked them what they're up to. Generally, they're looking for the more undesirable of the undocumented illegal aliens. Since the companies that hire those annoying pamphleteers rarely check immigration papers thoroughly it is one of the easier jobs for a wetback to attain. And before anyone gets all bent out of shape about the word wetback, it is the word the illegal aliens coined themselves back in the 50's and many still use to describe themselves.. And it is still in the nomenclature of the Border Patrol, or at least it was four years ago.
Prostitution is not legal in Las Vegas. It is in some of the more rural areas but not here.

It is Customs and Border Protection and ICE that is cruising around the whole city, not just the strip. I have seen them on Eastern and Bonanza and asked them what they're up to. Generally, they're looking for the more undesirable of the undocumented illegal aliens. Since the companies that hire those annoying pamphleteers rarely check immigration papers thoroughly it is one of the easier jobs for a wetback to attain. And before anyone gets all bent out of shape about the word wetback, it is the word the illegal aliens coined themselves back in the 50's and many still use to describe themselves.. And it is still in the nomenclature of the Border Patrol, or at least it was four years ago.

Before any of you get upset at the word N*GGER, it is the word that Blacks call themselves in their music and everyday lives, many use it to describe themselves and their people.

Ike Stain

Approved Content Owner
Approved Content Owner
Before any of you get upset at the word N*GGER, it is the word that Blacks call themselves in their music and everyday lives, many use it to describe themselves and their people.

True. It's the one point of agreement between the white racists and the black rappers. They should have a convention.