Who Was The Oldest Person Ever On The Day They Were Born?

I used to think it was Charles Bronson who was a 163 lb 3 oz 48 year old baby but Lee Marvin and James Coburn were both older. Max Von Sydow, though, was 83 years old on the day he was born. His mother must have been significantly younger considering how unusual it would be if she wasn't.
I think you're right that Max holds the record.

A few other honorable mentions:
Peter Ustinov
Charles Durning
Jack Palance
Jack Klugman
Tommy Lee Jones

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
When I was a baby, I got slapped for slapping a baby.

I was born on the Appalachian Trail, where I bit the bear that tried to bite me.

At six months old, I'd already done a year in jail.

They thought that I was insane at birth, but then realized that they were the insane ones.


Woke up just now, one sock too many
Well, I went back in time and killed my mother and myself during childbirth, I was 128 at the time due to the longevity drugs invented in 2044.


Postal Paranoiac
I'll go with Jonathan Winters.