Who is this with that rocker dude?

I can't remeber her name, but i'm pretty sure that's his new wife. I know shwe was in the biz for awhilebut I think she's out now. Saw an episode of that VH1 show with Vince on it the other night and she was there too.
Asia fan said:
Saw an episode of that VH1 show with Vince on it the other night and she was there too.

Yeah, she was on The Surreal Life, dang, that episode she was on was aired the other day. If i knew she was a pornstar, i mightve looked at her name more closely.

Sorry, dont know who she is man.
stini said:
Anyone elese think she looks like a she-male??? Or is it my eyes playing tricks:eek:

Nope not your eyes, I reckon there's a good chance of a cock hiding down there...or was at one point... :D